His eyes, her motivation.

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Once upon a time, there was a princess who was not motivated with her life. She was sad and bored. She felt like her life was static, no colors and dull. As she tried to make a decision whether to stay or leave, she stumbled upon a pair of sad looking eyes.

Those eyes caught her attention. She was sad, but she didn't expect to see eyes that look worse than hers. They look sadder, hurt, depressed and broken.

She thought to herself: "What could be the reason behind the those sad eyes? " The curious princess wanted to know, scratch that,  she needed to know.

Soon, she was able to know why.

What happened next?

She started admiring the owner of the eyes, thinking : "That person's strong. The owner can smile despite the pain. Too bad it does not reach the eyes"

As days passed, the girl did not want to leave anymore. She had a reason to stay: to check those pair of eyes. Pathetic as it may sound, that became her motivation.

She promised herself that the owner of those eyes should never know.  But theb, luck was against her side because the owner still found out. Ironically, her dull life changed, a bit. Colors started to show.

It was exciting but she knew better, so she tried to stop looking at the eyes. She does not want the owner to think she's crazy.

Weeks passed. The eyes were not sad and broken anymore. They looked happy. The girl was so glad. She wanted to befriend the owner, but it never happened. The owner has nothing to do with her. Who is she anyways? Ah, yeah. She was the crazy, nozy girl that got interested with a pair of sad looking eyes.

She eventually stopped glancing, decided to ignore them. "The eyes look happy now, maybe a bit sad but not as broken as before. That's what matters." She told herself.

The sad part was that, when she stopped looking at those eyes, she lost her motivation as well. She then realized that she was too busy minding other people's business, she didn't think of hers.

She looked at her eyes in the mirror and smiled sadly. They look dull, hollow and sad. She was too engrossed in watching other people's eyes, she forgot to look at hers.

The pair of sad eyes found its way to shine and smile again, she should also find hers.

With the  memory of the eyes that inspired her to stay and learn, the princess is back to square one.

Will she stay and keep learning or would she leave to find the colors to make her eyes shine?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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