02--Too Much to Handle

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There was something odd about this Academy.

Was it the fact that its walls were adorned with the most luxurious paintings and that  the window panes had the best design your eyes could even attempt to trace?

Or maybe it was the floors that carpeted with the most forgotten historical design?

‘Oh, this is way too much for my eyes to handle Dx’

You were strictly eyesore: the chandeliers above you were exaggerating, yet beautifully attractive. Even the students were impressive. Every student whom passed by you either tipped his hat or she swiftly bowed to you.

You weren’t used to this- all your life was simply twin beds or occasionally hay; plastic chairs, lonely dinner tables, walking as your transportation and best of all: a simple, easy life with a family and friends who dearly look up to you.

“Meh, what else is there- BEH! BUTLERS?!” you were now in awe. [E/C] eyes twitched to see a man in a tux standing by a fancy wooden door.

There were butlers, dammit!

“No, no, that’s just one of Pandora's janitor”, said a friendly voice.

You turn on your heels to find a boy with dark messy hair and round glasses, smiling and bowing his head to you as you faced him entirely.

“Oh, thank goodness I was abou- JANITOR?! That’s worse! Janitors do not dress like that, my friend”, you gawked and pouted as you glared at the ‘janitor’ standing on a stool and dusting the chandeliers.

The boy laughs at your expression as he wrote notes on his clipboard, “You’ll get used to it”, and then holds out his hand, “I’m Reo, by the way, a junior and in charge of attendance for first period-which you are lacking for the first day Miss-

“[Last Name] [First Name], junior as well and currently impressed. Nice to meet you, Reo-san. Sorry about that; I’m not late on purpose”, you nicely explain/introduce with a firm shake of your hand.

“Do you need help finding your first class?” asks the actual normal human being named Reo.

“Erm, well-" You glance down at your schedule and see but four AP classes and two simple electives being Athletics and Japanese.

‘AP: Language, Chemistry, U.S History, and Calculus? Since when did I sign up for Advanced Placement?!’

“Ah, you’re an over achiever, I see”, Reo teases, hovering over as you shook your head violently in disagreement.

“Well it seems AP Chemistry, your first class, is just down the hall, last door to your left”, Reo pointed with a golden pen to that direction.

“Oh, is it…? Good I’m not all about the walking,” you huffed a sigh of relief and made your first step.

“What about that Athletics class?” Reo teases once more.

“Oh, that’s just coincidence…Thanks a lot Reo-san!” You wave, receiving a goodbye wave from him as you hurried over to the door with AP Chemistry nicely written in cursive. As you reached for the doorknob, you felt this awkward tug at the pit of your belly.

“Great, here comes the part where the late student gets stared at by the nosey classroom”, you mumble to yourself, letting out a sigh and creak the door open only find people chatting and fooling around.

You cock an eyebrow in confusion and scan the room for a teacher but find no yelling adult tapping on the board for class order.

“Eh, really? Where’s the-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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