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"You were angry at us and you ran out in the street to get away. If only you had known.. oh if only I had known, I would have stopped you.. Oh Raven, darling, please forgive me. You were running from your brother who kept calling you back, and then it hit you. That blasted idiot who took away my little girl's memory. Oh honey, I am so sorry!"

She had woken up in a hospital room, full of flowers and greeting cards from names she knew not. Her mother was by her side, comforting her as if she were mourning the loss of a loved one. Why she was in a hospital room, she had no clue, but she knew she'd find out, and she did.

One word and Raven McCallister's entire world came shattering down: AMNESIA. 

Author's Note

Hi everyone! 

I've written before, but this is the first time I'm letting my writing be viewed to public readers. 

Feedback is always welcome.

If you guys like something, dislike something, find errors in the text, anything really, let me know! I'd love to know what you guys think of my writing.

If you're actually taking out time to read my story, God bless you! :')

Hopeful that you'll like what my mind has to come up with,

Thanks for reading! 


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