Week Thirty

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Chapter Ten... Week Thirty

"I feel... so tired! It's amazing how much Lucy likes to kick me through the night!"

I lazed about in the living room of our apartment. I had just under ten weeks until Lucy would be here, and Kent, Sam and I were all free for the night. I'd had to start my maternity leave from work early because I couldn't reach across the bar or bend down anymore. I'd grown so big to accommodate for my little princess.

School was getting hard, too. But everyone had developed an annoying habit of patting my stomach when they walked past.

"Just wait until ten weeks' time when we're all awake at 3am because Lucy's hungry," Kent chuckled. "Then we're all gonna be tired."

"You guys will hopefully sleep through it after a couple of weeks," I sighed. "Unless you're babysitting when I'm visiting my parents at Christmas time," I added quickly.

"Uh... what?" Kent frowned.

"Well uh... Lucy's due four weeks before I'm due to fly out to visit my parents," I began. "And I uh... I need you guys to look after her."

"You're kidding aren't you?" Sam said sharply.

"No, I'm not," I replied. "Look, I can't just turn up there with her, Sam! I'm thirty weeks' pregnant! I can't tell them now. They don't need to know she exists. They don't need to know..."

"That is your fault!" Sam snapped.

"Well, you could do this as a favour to me!" I shouted.

"No! You kept your pregnancy a secret from them! That's your fault!" Sam retaliated. "We are not your in-house babysitters, Paige! We're no relation to that baby of yours!"

"Sam!" Kent snapped. "Stop it! Now we both agreed. We'd help Paige with Lucy when she needed it. And she needs us to look after Lucy when she goes to Minnesota."

"The baby isn't even here yet..." Sam moaned. "Yet we're talking about where she's gonna spend her first Christmas. And that should be with her mother."

"Yes," Kent agreed. "It should. But she can't just... show up with Lucy. They would freak out."

"She could say it's a friends' baby..." Sam stated.

"What if Lucy looks just like Paige?" Kent pointed out. "She can't lie about it then!"

"Why are you taking her side, Kent?" Sam spat. "Huh? You too much of a pansy to go up against a girl?"

"Paige is my best friend, Sam!" Kent snapped.

"And I am your boyfriend!" Sam scoffed. "You're supposed to take my side on these things, not hers. You're supposed to defend me, not her!"

"Guys!" I shouted. "Knock it off!"

"You started this, Paige!" Sam hissed.

"Sam, don't yell at her!" Kent snapped.

"What is wrong with you, Kent?!" Sam growled. "Screw both of you! I'm going to bed!"

Kent and I both watched as Sam stormed off into the bedroom and slammed the door. I wasn't quite sure what about the whole situation made him so angry...

"What's his problem with me?" I asked softly.

"It's not you he's got a problem with," Kent sighed. "It's me."

"You?" I frowned. "But... but what do you have to do with this?"

"We're not quite as perfect as you think we are, Paige," Kent admitted. "We've been fighting. A lot. And it's getting hard to be in the same room as him."

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