*Kiss, Screem, Regret, More than friends?*

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She pushed pass me and started to walk away but i wasnt done with her yet. I thought of something to say to make her stay.

Before i knew it words slipped out of my mouth. " Your like two? The fuck you know abouy having fun? Go back to your mom because i think your in the wrong place."

I didnt mean to say it but hey, its out its out. all i could do is smirk and look pretty. And thats what i did.

She turned around and looked like she was going to blow. I knew i would regret this later but......what the hell, im twenty-two im a grown ass man.

She yells "SHONELLE" and the girl that basically took pictures with all of us and that was dancing with Niall is by her side in seconds.

Well more like in 30seconds but you get it. "Haz what wrong?" She ask her. Holding onto her arm tightly. But you could see she's losing her grip.

"GIRLS" Shonelle called. They look over and running over as soon as possible. Two of them. One had the other side of her arm holding it, while the other took out her phone and start recording it.

Shonelle and the other girl looked at the one holding the phone and gave her the 'really' look i just chuckled.

Louis, Harry, and Liam appered at myside. Niall at Shonelle. A circle started to form against us. Shonelle is whispering stuff in Hazel's ear.

Hazel looked around and she nodded. "Dance battle!" The DJ said, and every cheered. The boys and i laugh to see who would fail at this.

But what was said next made me stop and the boys laugh harder. "I changelle the dickhead in the middle, who is soo fucking cocky,

And whose head is so far up his ass that he can't see that he's about to get his ass kick if he keeps talking shit."

I look ahead and see Hazel looking at me dead in the eyes. Her eyes pitch black, cold. She cant be serious? Me?

"Okay. Bring it" i say walking around her tapping her ass before going back on my side.

She doesnt flinch, hit me, laugh, or yell, just stood there talking to Shonelle and the two other girls.

The music began to play and i start to dance, pulling moves i havent in a while, flips here and there and the cheers get louder and louder and their saying my name,

But it stopped when she started dancing. She could of been Michelle Jackson. Or Chris Brown. But a girl. She bust down into a slit and worked her way up with a flip.

I know it sounds stupid but you have to see it to believe it. She made her way next to me and push me down on a chair. And start to dance.

From Michelle, to Chris, now Beyonce. She took over the stage i was too stun i could jump back into the battle.

When the guys and i came in we heard and saw her and Shonelle on the stage singing "ME&U" by Cassie, then when they sung happy birthday for her she sumg "Kings & Queens (Throw it up)" by SoMo.

So we know she could sing but dancing like this. Man she's better then me. But ill never admitt that out loud.

I wasnt going to lose this was, and i know ill die later tomorrow but shit yolo #youonlyliveonce. I look around and caught Naill and Shonelle making out.

I walk up to Hazel while she is dancing turned her around and i kissed her. She didnt fight away, she didnt stand there.

Well she did for like three seconds but then she started to respond back. Someone whisper is my ear. It was her friend with the phone.

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