Chapter 18: "Where have you been?"

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            Without thinking I sprang forward and grabbed Darius by the arm just in time to be seen by Elaine as she opened the door.

            “Damien,” she whispered like the world would shatter and she’d fall back to reality if she said her son’s name any louder. For the first few minutes I didn’t exist. Elaine wouldn’t let go of Darius and I caught myself fleetingly wondering how Darius could breath; she seemed to be squeezing pretty tightly.

            Within seconds Adam was a part of it. Darius seemed happy but there was a bitter undertone that surrounded him. I was the only one to notice it because I was the only one who knew why. He would have loved to just stay there forever, but he couldn’t, because they would just catch us again and maybe even hurt his family.

            I let him enjoy the moment, until Elaine recognized me. “Sarah dear,” she whispered and released Darius with one arm and used it to pull me by the waist into the sappy mess.

            After what seemed like hours Darius and I were seated at the table where Adam and Elaine had been earlier. Elaine poured me a cup of jasmine tea. I remembered briefly how that I was the only one they knew who drank tea, but she kept some around for when I visited.

            “So,” Adam said pulling up a chair for both Elaine and him, “Where have you been?”

            Tell them the truth! I screamed within my mind. I had no idea how Darius’ ability worked but I hoped he could hear. Two years ago if I needed to confide in an adult, I went straight to Elaine or Adam. My dad was normally in one of his fits and my mother was always so… distant. She never really took action; she was a marionette. I new they could be trusted even with a matter this big. And it wasn’t like we had many other options after he knocked on the door.

            Darius must have ‘heard’ because he nodded. He started the story from when we were walking in the woods. We tag-told the story and his parents stayed silent most of the time. Sometimes shock, anger or sympathy would pass over Elaine’s face. We told the entire story, not censoring a thing. I even made a book fly off the shelf to demonstrate my telekinesis.

            They were silent for a few seconds and then Adam spoke up. “Well, we’ll have to do something about that,” Adam said with a sense of finality. He was a quite man, but when he spoke people listened. I could tell he had full intent to do anything to fix this situation. That scared me. This was something that was very dangerous.

            “We’re doing pretty well right now. If we just keep our heads down we’ll be just fine,” I said quickly. I knew I was lying; I’d never be doing well.

            “I don’t like the idea of someone watching you,” he retorted.

            “We’ll leave then. Run so far away they’ll never find us,” Darius said before I could think of some witty remark. He had a good idea though. I was surprised we’d never thought of it before. Then I realized that Darius had been planning this for a bit of time, how else would he have responded so quickly, also I knew him way to well.

            We’d have to bring that up the second we got home. I was thrilled at the aspect of finally getting away from my dad and area 52. I’d be free.

            “You have to let us help somehow,” Adam said.

            “Dad, you’d help us most by acting like you never saw us. Just know we’re safe and we’ve got two adults watching over us,” Darius said trying to remain calm. I knew he was almost regretting knocking on the door. Max an adult? Maybe Elise but technically she was still 17.  As far as Max’s maturity level, I ranked him with Anna; occasionally he got as far as fifth grader status. I didn’t say anything though.

            “I don’t like it. But you’re not giving me much of a choice. Would you at least stay the night?” Adam asked. He was a step away from pouting, but the situation was too serious.

            “Sorry. Can’t. I didn’t tell Elly where we were going,’ Darius said quickly. Elly? Call me slow but it took me a second to realize he was talking about Elise. I guess it seemed logical. I talked to Max more than Elise and he talked to Elise more than Max, I just hadn’t noticed it. And now I’ll admit, I was a little jealous.

            There was a lot of hugging as they grudgingly let us go. Adam tried to give Darius some money but he refused (later I found it in my jacket pocket). There were a lot of ‘I-love-you’s as we left. We promised to visit if we ever could.

            Then it started rained. Frustrated and soaking wet we called for a taxi and got out a half mile from home. It was noon by the time we got to the front yard and the rain was still coming down hard.

            Darius saw it first and pushed me to the ground.

            Shots filled the air and my whole world went crimson. Darius hit the ground next to me with a thud and the grass began to become a watered down red color with blood. I screamed.

            There went the last shards of my sanity.

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