Ethan P.O.V PART 2

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"So you wanna go to the Movies? "I asked

"Eh, Blondie and her band of misfits are prowling. "she said

I drove her back home to Ravenwood. And we hung out in the garden. She picked off a peach.

"Mmm want one Ethan? "she asked

"Sure."I said

She tossed me a peach and it was delicious. I loved her.But too scared to ask.

"Hey Ethan,I wanna show you something. "she said everywhere around us.

"Are you a witch??"I stupidly asked

"No Silly,that's like calling Athletes, Jocks or smart kids nerds."she said calmly

"We prefer the term Casters."She said proudly

I'm amazed yet pretty stupid for calling my Girlfriend a Witch.

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