Cover : hero-ish

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Title: hero-ish

Author's Name:  BlackAbegnation

Prologue: In a world where having a superpower is as natural as breathing, sixteen year old, Amanda Jones cannot make her power realize itself. Because of this, she is an outcast and is bullied. Her parents, Adam Jones with the power of strength, and Alisha Jones with the power of flight, are the greatest superheroes known to mankind. This makes her parent's reputation... Go downhill. On her way home from school, she meets Cameron Robinson, who has the power of strength. They become friends very quickly. When one day Cameron is in trouble and cannot save himself, Amanda jumps into action. When she realizes her power, will she be happy or devastated. After a while of bonding, they find out something Important about each other in their past lives but they're not the only people with past lives. Who are they? Find out in Hero-ish, what happens to Amanda and Cameron as the save mankind, together.

Chapter dedication to @BlackAbegnation

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