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If you're reading this, it seems you've stumbled upon my cover shop

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If you're reading this, it seems you've stumbled upon my cover shop. If you're in need of a cover for your book, or a banner (like the one above), you're in the right place. I'm sorta new at this so I'm not quite sure how long it will last or if I'll even leave this published, so please don't hate me if this disappears after like a week- it's experimental. Now, before you get to the requesting, please read over the rules below. Most are basically just common sense, things you obviously should/shouldn't do, but one or two things may be slightly different from others' rules, so I recommend a quick scroll through.


1. Do NOT rush me. "Is it done yet? Is it done yet??" It was going to be, but now I think I'll take a break & rewatch all 11 seasons of Supernatural.

2. You may request more than one cover, but I probably won't do them all at once.

3. If you request here, I better not find you requesting the same cover somewhere else as well shortly before/after- especially if I've told you I'm making your cover. "But you were taking too long-" BYE. You can only use one cover at once, therefore you only need one cover (per book) at once. You do not need multiple covers. It's extremely rude to the people who spend their time making a cover you decide not to use because like someone else's more.

4. Your book MUST be published in order for me to make you a cover for it. No "oh i'm publishing it next week, can you just do it now?" type of stuff. As of August 25th, 2016, I'm now only doing covers for books that have at least one actual chapter (disclaimers/intros/playlists don't count)- that way I know you're serious about writing it & won't just unpublish it in a day. I've wasted my time on too many covers only to have the books disappearing days later.

5. It is NOT first come, first serve. If I do not feel like I have a good idea for your cover, I may skip over & come back to it when I do (the wait shouldn't be longer than a week or two unless I'm busy or sick). If I cannot find any inspiration for it all, I may simply tell you that I'm sorry but I will not be able to do your request.

6. As of August 25th 2016, in order for me to accept your request you need a password to prove you've read these rules. The password is your favourite song.

7. I reserve the right to decline any request I don't want to do. Chances are there will be a reason (not enough usable PNGs for your FC, didn't fill out the form properly, book hasn't been updated since before I was born, etc.) but sometimes there may not be, and please don't hate me for it. I know my own abilities & if I do not believe I can do the cover, (or if I do not believe you will use it- I do creep around from time to time, and if I see you asking others for covers & then not using, I will likely not waste my time) I won't give you false hope.

8. You MUST credit me for the cover I make you. "Cover by @insatiabIe" is to be added to the description of your story for as long as you use the cover. This is not negotiable.

9. If the book says CLOSED & you request anyways, what are you even doing on a reading website? Because you clearly can't read.

10. If you do not like the cover, you do not have to use it. I'm not going to hunt you down. I would, however, appreciate a little "thank you for your time," & maybe a short explanation on why you don't want to use it. If you don't like something about it, I can always make adjustments.

11. If you claim any of my covers as your own, I will cut you.

 If you claim any of my covers as your own, I will cut you

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Easy as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!


You can dedicate a chapter if you want, but all I really ask if that you credit me in the story's description & do not claim my work as your own. I would say to follow me & vote/comment on one of my books (preferably Unspoken/Unbroken), but frankly I feel like most people would just follow me for like a week & then unfollow- so that's totally up to you.

Form + requesting is on the next part.
Please do not ask for a cover on this part.

Covers [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now