Chapter 1: The Long Journey

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It took me a while to finally agree with my parents on this decision but the more I thought about it the more I liked it and hoped I could start fresh. I also loved the fact of being so to speak the "new girl" and making new friends I'm a very social butterfly you could say. It didn't take long for us to pack what little things we left behind because we had already pre shipped everything to our new house which from the pictures I've seen is very beautiful. When we were done doing that we got into the car and drove to the airport it soon got boring because we were so far away from the airport that I just put in my earbuds and listened to a mixture of B.O.B, Ke$ha,and Chris brown. Finally we got at the airport and I was already tired and ready to pass out but I still had a whole 6 hour flight ahead of me but I thankfully made it on the plane without falling asleep but a good and sorta bad thing was me and my parents were seated at different ends of the plane. I know what your probably thinking oh your such a baby grow up your 18 years old but I don't far because it actually was my first time on a plane and I was a little bit nervous being by myself so I just decided to lay my head back and listen to my music again. That was until I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.......

Hiiii I hope your liking my story so far. Sorry if its boring but I promise it will get more interesting :)

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