Let's go practice

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"Hello wake up Wren" someone said

"What do you want?" I asked

"Wake up Wren" He said softly

Ooomegeed it's a guy. I woke up immediately. I saw Chris.

"What the-- What are you doing in my room??!!" I asked with narrowed eyes

"Obviously I was waking you up" He said

"How'd you come in here?!" I ask

"Duplicate keys" He said with a grin

"Oh oh yeah but still you can't come into my room without my permission" I said furiosly

"I was only checking on my friend. What's wrong with that?" He said trying to make a pouty face

"Well thank you for that but still though" I said

"Awww you're blushing" He said

"Ughhh what noo. By the way why are you here anyway?" I was still blushing but still denying

"As I said I was checking on you" He said

"Any other reasons?"

"We have band practice for Saturday" He said


"We are going to play a part at some concert" He said

"Really? What type of concert?" I asked

"Uhh...  It's a concert for a cause at a church" He said

"Wow okay, interesting" I said while nodding my head

"Okay are you ready now because we need to go" He said

"You go downstairs first cause I'm gonna take a bath. Then kindly load the music materials we bought" I said

"What the materials are still here?!" He asked

"Well what am I supposed to do?!" I said

"Well you could've told me. Duuhh" He said

"Well whatever. Go down now. Bye Chris"

And so I rushed to the ahower to take a really soothing bath. I picked out any black clothing I saw from my closet. I love black. I ran downstairs to put my shoes on and to eat. Chris was still loading the music materials. I was about to eat when Chris entered.

"Let's go no time to eat" He said as he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to go outside. I'm so so so blushing right now.

"But I'll die" I said making a pouty face

"We can order food in our way there" He said

"What a splendid idea" I said with a british accent

"Oohh you speak british now do you?" He copied my tone

"Yeah whatever" I said

"Awww is the little princess annoyed" He said with a slightly annoying tone "To make you feel better look drive-thru" He said " My treat" he smiled

"Thanks Chris" I said

The way to the music studio is a thirty minute drive. Awkward was between us in the car. We were both silent and I was just eating. I decided to talk and break this awkwardness between us.

"He--" I said

"Is--" He said at the same time I was about to talk

"Ohh sorry" He said

"No it's fine, you talk first" I said

"Is Alexa at still at your house" He asked

"Yeah why?" I said

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