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On Relationships,

If you are not married, avoid sex, petting. Stop being a miser, agree on a common religious stand, be transparent to each other's families but that doesn't mean you should go telling them anything about your challenges. They honestly don't care. Snitches are among them. They are only waiting for a chance to say, "i told you so". What on earth are you telling them when they wont contribute a dime towards the payment of the bride price. If your love is tripping be honest with them. Don't take bullshit*excuse my language*. Ah, also, find time for yourselves, alone with each other, talk about neutral issues, not love, talk about each other's career , not gifts, talk about an attitude you've noticed and talk it through, and finally my friend, Give them some space to be.- Koranteng Joshua Yaw ( 1987-??)

23th April , 2013

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