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       I dragged myself out of the bed and padded across the freezing wooden floors. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on my dresser and I looked like a hot mess- no not even a hot mess- I looked like a mess. My curly dark brown hair had managed to curl into itself creating the worst knots imaginable. I prayed for a shower to magically detangle it but I knew I'd have to spend forever ripping out nearly every strand. I headed to the bathroom, hoping my little brother hadn't been there first.

       Trevor, my five year old brother was more of a mess than my rats nest of hair. I constantly begged my parents for my own bathroom because of this demon. Anything, and I mean anything, that had any sort of value to me this kid would sniff out and destroy. He wrecked my makeup by painting the dog with it, he used my curling wand as an alien spaceship that his toy destroyed and saved the world, I actually have a list of things he has wrecked because I do plan on him reimbursing me when he reaches a decent age.

Thankfully the coast was clear and I slipped into the bathroom. I cleared the bathtub of Trevor's little foam toys and turned on the water to the shower. I waited for it to heat up and stepped out of my clothes. I looked in the mirror as it began to steam up. I wasn't really anything special, I had nice curves but besides that I was pretty average. My pale skin was dusted with freckles and I wasn't stick thin but I wasn't large in the slightest. Once the water wasn't ice cold or scorching hot, I stepped in. I scrubbed everything that needed to be washed and I shaved everything that needed to be shaved and then I just took a minute for myself. The hot water poured down my back and I let myself think. I thought about everything but also nothing in particular. I let my thoughts consume me for this one moment and then I shut off the water. I stepped out feeling refreshed, mentally and physically.

I wrapped my hair in a towel, making it resemble a turban and wrapped a towel around my body. I grabbed my clothes and ran back into my room, before the cold air could catch me. I entered my room, shutting and locking my door to be safe from Trevor's little grubby hands pulling on my door. I turned on some music and flopped back onto my bed. I spent about ten minutes just laying there doing absolutely nothing before I looked at the clock which read 7:12 pm.
      "I need to hurry, oh shit," I chastised myself for not realizing I had less than an hour left sooner.

      I rolled out of bed and headed to my closet. I stared at my closet for forever, wishing I had more clothes, before I grabbed a flow-y maroon hoodie. I quickly slipped it on and some simple dark skinny jeans. As for my feet, I put on some cream colored socks and some tan military style boots. I then just accessorized with some gold earrings in the multiple piercings in my ears.

      At this point I realized my hair wasn't drying and I wasn't about the freeze to death by going into the below freezing weather of Bethesda, Maryland. I grabbed my hair dryer and brush and yanked through my hair, drying it quickly. I finished and looked in the mirror, realizing that now I'm going to have to straighten it too. The shitty thing about having curly hair is that when you blow dry it, it creates one ginormous poof of hair. I quickly ran a straightener thought it, cursing my hair repeatedly. Lastly, I tied my hair back and applied my makeup, thankfully I learned to keep it in my room, away from Trevor. I desperately tried to cover my freckles with foundation and concealed but it was no use. I then did my eyeshadow as a gold and brown smokey eye with a cat eye of eyeliner, this made my green eyes pop. I finished off my look with a few coats of mascara, darkening my already long eyelashes and a nude lipstick. Once I was satisfied with my look I put on some perfume and deodorant, grabbed my phone and some money and headed downstairs.

       I checked the time on my phone as I headed down the stairs, I had only ten minutes left and I spent that wishing my Mom and Dad a happy New Years Eve and promising them I would be safe and call them if anything went wrong, no matter what. I hugged my little dweeb of a brother and kissed my parents goodbye, just as my ride pulled up.

Once again, thank you for reading, if you liked it follow my Instagram @esswhining. I know it's going pretty slow but things will speed up soon, this won't be a long story, it's just an idea I had. I'm going to edit it soon, once I can get home and on a computer. Thank you!! Any constructive criticism is welcome but please don't make it about editing or anything, I'm already going to do that.(:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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