Chapter : apitude test

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(Kat's POV) I have always admired the Dauntless even when I was a little girl. Here is what I admired about them .Their bravery, wisdom, strength ,and courage."Kat, come on,they are about to start the tests"My sister Beatrice called me out of my daydream. "Coming. " I called. Hurrying to catch up to her and Caleb, my older brother. I anxiously waited to start my test worrying about what I would get, A woman with long black hair, tattoos all over her arms and really tall called me and led me to a small room with a single chair."My name is Tori and I will be your test administer,here drink this." She introduced herself while handing me a cup with what looked like "throw up" colored liquid."What is it"? I asked disgusted. She sighed." I can't tell you , it's against the rules." "O.....K...". I settled back into the chair,I wasn't sure I was ready for this, but if my childhood best friend did this years ago. I guess I could too, hey maybe I will get Dauntless and see her again. God I miss her so much. I can still remember the day she had to leave like it was just yesterday. I drank the liquid and settled back in the chair, and suddenly I saw a blonde haired, blue eyed girl sitting in the grass with a brown haired, brown eyed girl. I gasped. It was me with Ammara on that day she had to leave Abnegation when I was eight years old. SIM- " Ammara do you really have to go"? I asked hugging her tightly. I didn't want to let her go. " Yes, Tobi and I both need to get away from THAT man". I knew what Man she was talking about. It was her dad, but he beat her so much that she refuses to call him her father. She sighed.Then suddenly I got an idea. "Mara you don't have to go you can stay with me at my house we can be sisters"! I said smiling. She smiled back" thanks Kat but I need to get away from Abnegation. But I will miss you most of all. Maybe we will see each other again someday." She said. " I understand." I said crying. "Stop"
She said firmly. " You know when you cry I cry"!!! She said crying. " I know it's just that I'm going to miss you so much Mara!"!!!!! I said wiping my tears and hugging her.

End -Sim- I wake to someone shaking me I look around and I realize I am no longer in the grass with Ammara instead I am in a very uncomfortable chair in the testing room. " what were my results?" I asked while sitting up. "Abnegation..." I sighed. " and Dauntless and Amity. Tori said walking out the room. " Wait how can I have three factions, what am I supposed to pick tomorrow, the test was supposed to tell me." I was so confused. Tori signed. " They are called Divergent, you are in serious danger, you can tell no one your results not even your family. If anyone asks,tell them the test didn't work on you, it made you sick so I sent you home." I nodded confused . " NOW GO!!!!" She said sending me out the back door.

-At home- Caleb, Tris ,and I were doing the dishes,when Tris asked what my results were." Abnegation?." I felt bad for lying to my sister like this but I was in DANGER and I didn't want to DIE.I went to bed early because I had a VERY BIG day tomorrow.

-Ammara's POV- "YESSSSS!!!!" I screamed punching the air." I can't wait, Tobias just told me we are getting new members today. I wonder if Kat will be one of them? I missed her so much. I hated not being there for her , but I had to get out of HIS house.
-(authors note- this is the same one Kat had during her -SIM- so I'm not putting it again. Thanks) " Ammara its time to go to the trains and meet the new initiates." Coming!!!!!!" I called hurrying after Tobias.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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