Racism and Jokes Based on Religion

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As everyone around me probably knows, I am an Atheist. I have been an Atheist for around a year and a half, but I was raised Christian. I do have an interest in Wicca/Paganism, but I want to thoroughly think a religion through before I jump right into it. But just because I have a lack of religion, does not mean I feel it's okay to say these jokes.

So this rant will be about people making jokes about somebody's race or religion.

I went to Costco with a family member today, who shall remain anonymous. And while we were driving home, groceries in tow, we passed a crosswalk with a man wearing a turban. I actually didn't even notice this man until my family member made a joke and said, 'Terrorist!'

Now, this irritates me. Very much so. Not every single person who wears a religious garment such as a turban is a terrorist. I understand that this world has a terrorist problem, but enough is enough. How extremely rude is it to call somebody on the street a killer just because they are wearing a turban?

Another issue here, racism. Saying the 'N-word' is NOT okay. I don't think white people realize that the reason it is not okay for us to say such things is because that word was used when we white people enslaved others and shunned them from society, just because of the colour of their skin. I hate being white sometimes. I feel so extremely ashamed of what our forefathers did. Keeping human beings as slaves, murdering them, separating mothers from their children...It is not 1950 anymore. It's NOT okay to be racist. And I hope all of us look back on those times and try our hardest to eliminate racism. White people are extremely privileged, and just because there are laws against racism, does not mean it isn't still running rampant today.

One final issue.

'Darkies'. 'Niglet'. My family uses these words all the time. I always tell whoever says them to not ever say such things, but still, it goes on. And yet the family member who says these things wants to go see 'Straight Outta Compton' soon. Why use such words? If somebody is being a jerk or an asshole, why do you need to bring their race into it? Why bring skin colour into an argument? It just makes you look worse.

So, there. That's all for today.

Do what you can to end racism. Don't allow it to continue. Speak up.

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