Gold Diggers.

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Aliza's POV

"we're going to Qulsum's house tomorrow."My mom says as she brings the food and sits down.

"for what?" Zainab asks rolling her eyes and we smirk.

"she's going out of country." My mom says and our mouth's drop open.

"They're going on a honeymoon?! Already?" I yell.

"have you gone crazy.She's just going with that guy for a business trip or something." My mom says eating.

"There's something odd I'm telling you guys-"

"shut up.There's nothing. she's perfectly fine and besides even if there is something weird she deserves it. The pride of that girl! " My mom says.

"Why're you taking her side?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"idiots! If her father finds out he'll bring that witch back here. we got lucky that someone actually agreed to marry her or she'd be on our heads for the rest of our lives."

"aren't they the ones who asked-"Danish asks and me my sister burst out laughing.

"shut up. whatever it is doesn't matter.she's out of here and that's all that matters. I swear something about her isn't right.I never trusted that girl." Mom says .

"you idiot whose gonna ask to marry her? Everyone would obviously ask for me what's she got anyway that we don't. she's got no looks,no character,no talents, she doesn't even know how to talk to people. now whose gonna marry her?"I ask.

"exactly" mom says

"A piece of advise Danish think before you start babbling."

the phone rings and my mom picks up and leaves.

we all get up and head up.

"there's something wrong there."I say.

"yeah. very.Her mother in law seems alright she probably just feels bad for her." Danish says.

"yeah! But her husband!" I say.

"he's hot." Zainab says.

"i know right!He's got abs and his jaw! oh god and that sexy voice." I say and Danish stares at us.

"They didn't seem to get along. Well I mean he-"

"well obviously the guy isn't attracted to her. why on earth would he like her? " I say rolling my eyes.

"But that's the weird part you idiots.I was telling her to stay there and he showed up and told me to leave her alone. She's the one who told him to leave me alone!"Danish says.

"she what? Maybe she likes you Danish." Zainab says smirking as we burst out laughing.

"f*ck off."

"why are you blushing huh?" I say nudging him.

"I'm not!"

"Tell me Danish were you jealous of her wedding?" Zainab says putting her arms on his shoulder.

"what's wrong with you guys. She's our sister!" He shouts and me and Zainab continue to giggle.

"STEP sister." I say.

"shut the f*ck up." he says.

"don't you remember the time when you..." Zainab pauses and we both laugh.

"you were all like. I think she's hot." Zainab says trying to sound manly.

"and you tried to see her without her hijab! Don't you remember how we helped you do that." I say laughing.

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