Chapter 3: Life, Death and Blood

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WHAT IS THIS!? Has Gaia uploaded?! After like a gazillion years?!

It's short and the POV changes so many times but at least it's an upload, right? Right? Oh. Sorry.

As it's now the summer holidays, and I actually have the time to be patient and write, uploads should *fingers crossed* be quicker, although I can't promise anything.

Oh and as someone had a go at me for not warning her about the possibility of this book being triggering (I mean come on! The prologue was a suicide note and EVERY chapter since has had a note about depressingness) but yeah, this book contains references to suicide, self harm, abuse, death, rape and bullying, if any of you could be triggered by any of those, I recommend you don't read this book and in particular this chapter.

This be dedicated to ma bitch @Lickle_Penguin cause she's one of the few reasons I'm still here, I love her and she's amazing <3

The song is Blood by the former band (it hurts to type that) My Chemical Romance because a) it's amazing and b) it somewhat ties in a bit with this chapter.


Echo's POV:

Blood was the only thing on my mind.

My fangs were out.

My throat burned.

I doubted my meal would survive.

Oh well.

It was them or Jasper.


Not Jasper.

I couldn't do that to him.

Not to my mate.

Goddess, I was parched.

Blood! Three o'clock.

The girl was moving slowly.

Even more than humans do anyway.

I sprung.

My fangs slid into my meal's artery and the red liquid that was necessary for my eternal existence flowed into my system.

It was only once I'd drunk the girl dry that I discovered why it hadn't taken me long.

Both her wrists were littered with cuts, old and new.

The most recent went all the way from the base of her hands to her elbows.

She'd wanted to go.

My thoughts went to Jasper as I leant on a tree for strength.

What would I do if he got that low?

I felt a sudden blow of guilt because as much as she wanted to go, no one deserves to die, and no one deserves to feel like that.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a crumpled piece of paper protruding from her pocket.

Pushing myself off the tree, I reached out to get it.

It was her suicide note.

To whoever finds this,

My name is February Hawthorne and I've put up with the crap that life has thrown at me for too long.

The only thing that was keeping me here was Sky, but complications meant that that could not continue.

Tell him I'm sorry.

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