Chapter 2

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It had been a week since I talked to Kane Frost. I'd caught glimpses of him exiting the building and riding his motercycle into the maze of streets and chaos that made up the city I live in. I'm pretty certain he didn't even register my existance. I'm not one particulartly special. Giggling lowly to myself I wandered over to the kitchen, the only clean place in the whole apartment. Bowls neatly stacked, color coded, I did that one day. Not through boredom, I rarely get bored. Just because it felt right.

Rummaging through the cabinets for something I could call my lunch, nothing. My food was dangerously low. I knew it would happen sooner or later. Hopefully she would be on time this time, so we can get this over with as quickly and painlessly as possible

Whenever I run out of food, I have to get more,  it's a no brainer. But I.. Well, I suppose people would say I had problems. I never went with my parents on grocery runs no matter how much they wanted me to. Never got that childhood memory of getting cookies from the bakery or trying the meat at the deli. Nope, not me. Since my parents passing family friends have always seemed to be there when I needed food, like they had a sixth sense or something..or maybe my parents made it their dying wishes to them. I didn't know..

April was the main person who came over. She'd worked with my mom in the hospital. She was in her late thirties and had really pretty red hair. You could tell she dyed it, because her roots always showed blonde. April and me we're semi close, I only talked to her when she asked what food I wanted, when she would be getting it, and how I was doing. It had been a year and people still seemed to act like it was just yesterday. Odd. I find it hard to react to people that seem to care about me.

The phone rang, dragging me out of thought, sometimes i'm lost in my own head. 

"Hello Renai speaking." I answered. I don't get many calls, so I answered with a stiff formality.

"Hey Rai, it's April, how you doing?" I always for a kick out of her liltering Irish accent. She almost lost it, but I can still hear the traces.

"I'm fine, it's getting to that time. Do you need a list?" 

"Is it the same as last time? I saw these soy cookies on sale, Want me to pick them up?"

"Yeah that'll work. You can come by and pick up the card"

"Got it, see you soon."


Alright, so you are probably wondering how I have money. I never leave the house, so I shouldn't have a job, right? Wrong. I work. I work a lot. I sell my art, and for some reason people like it quite a bit. My mother got me started when she took some of my earlier pieces to work, and people liked it alot and asked to keep some of them, so she started charging and giving me the money.

When she passed I started posting my work online to see what response I would get. And it was positive. I've done quite a few commissions. One of my pieces is in some rich dudes penthouse, another in some old lady's retirement home. I've been offered chances to display my work at galleries in the city....but that's never going to happen.

I find it werid that the canvases I create now have pride of place on someone else's wall. I paint my moods in color, and people think it's art. I'm happy to take their money, but I know I've just ranted to a canvas for half an hour.


Must be April. I opened the door expecting to see the brown eyes of my 'care taker' but instead meeting the ice blue eyes i've been thinking about ever since they first fixed my gaze. Kane. W-what was he doing here again? I'm sure he would avoid the girl who hardly spoke when they first meet.

"Hey Renai, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you had a few eggs you could spare. I don't have time to head out.." He looked so cute...I shook my head, remembering he was real and not just a thought, he was contaminated and can't be allowed inside my life.

"Uh, yeah, just wait out here. How many?" Yes, stay outside. Don't enter my warm sanctuary.

"About three will do, I'm making french toast for dinner. Weird right?" Not really, breakfast for dinner is always fun. I felt like a rebel.


I walked back into the kitchen, frantically searching my fridge for the eggs I swore I had. Upon finding them I walked out to see Kane talking to April who I expected walked up just moments ago.

"Uh...Hey April. Here you go Kane..." Holding out the container holding 3 eggs. 3 little chicks denied birth for carnivorous humans. Regardless how tasty, I always gave a little moment of silence before cracking the little buggers in a frying pan.

Kane took the eggs, momentarily grazing my hand in the process. I felt my face get a little hot, not enough to be noticed, but enough for ME to notice. Dear god, stop that.

"Thanks, see you around Renai" He flashed a smile and off he went. I could feel April's eyes burning holes in my head. And now we started the twenty questions.

"Sooooo, who's the cutie? I don't think I've EVER seen you talk a guy before. He's definitely a looker." She laughed as she stepped into my home. I shivered slightly when she touched my counter, placed her purse on my chair. Gross.

"New guy. Don't get any ideas, you know me well enough." I went to my wallet and gave her the card, not letting the conversation continue any further. She nodded, took the car, picked up her bag and off she went.

Hopefully she got me those cookies.


Hey guys! Little note here. I'm probably going to make one at the end of every chapter.

Thanks for all the reads! I know it probably isn't the best you've ever read, but it's my first shot at this stuff >_<''

I have a few other stories I'm gonna start posting on here. Making a schedual thing for it soon. Hopefully I can get some feedback on this *hinthint*

THANKS FOR READING! Chapter 3 should be up by next week (if my health allows, been really sick the past month get s surgery next month)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2011 ⏰

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