Chapter Eight: Lies, Love, and More Lies

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Chapter Eight:

Lies, Love and More Lies

Adrian & Bailey

The music was loud, the girls were happy, and one guy was lonely.

"This sucks." Adrian muttered. Two girls were following him. "Go away." He told them." Where the hell's Bailey? She has to protect me right?

No Doubt was blasting throughout the speakers. "Hey baby...." A blonde girl said with the music. It took Adrian a moment to realize she was talking to him.

"Leave me alone. I bet your Jessie's ex-girlfriend, am I right?" He said sourly.

"Never mind! I'm just trying to have a little fun!" She turned away sharply.

"Dude! You just pissed of Scarlett!" Jesse sat next to his buddy.

"Who the hell cares?" Adrian snapped.

"Look at how hot she is!!" The blonde boy gestured to the girl walking away. "Any guy knows not to piss off a hottie like her."

"Yeah, well I don't think she's pretty... I think she's kinda ugly. She dresses like a hooker." Adrian knew that pushed Jesse over the edge.

"Whatever..." Jesse scratched his head. "I'll have Jim put a slow song on and whoever doesn't have a partner, you can pounce."

"I don't want-"

Jesse was gone.

Then, With You by Chris Brown came on. Everyone, even Scarlett, was slow dancing with someone else. Adrian hated this, he went outside to find a girl in the fetal position against the side of the house. He heard sobs.

"Bailey?" He leaned over the girl.

She looked up. "I thought you were dancing with Scarlett."

"Never. I would rather dance with you." He held his hand out. "May I have this dance?"

Bailey grabbed his hand. "Yes, you may." Her tears had dried.

He pulled his partner close. His hands were on her hips. She decided to wrap both of her arms around the taller boy's neck and press their foreheads together. "I've never been this close to anybody before, physically, or mentally." He said.

"Me, too." She sighed. The smell of cherry blossoms drifted in the air. "This is weird because I've never slow danced before..."

"Neither have I." He sighed. "I don't care anymore. I just want to be by your side. I'll go."

"Really?" She opened her eyes. "Thank you."

"Anything to be with you, girl." He smiled and kissed her cheek romantically.

"The camp isn't far from here."  Her face was red.

"Wait. How many are there?"

"Including us? Ten." She didn't let go Adrian, but met his eyes.

"Wow..." He fake smiled.

"I know... And, there's a ball that only noble guardians can go to..." A sheepish smile crept onto her lips.

Colton & Macey

"Hey, Mom! Can I go visit Uncle Steve?" Colton pretended to be excited.

"Sure. Why?"

"I haven't seen him in forever!" Colton smiled.

"Alright. How are we getting you there?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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