7. A fallen angel

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For those of you who wonder, the picture is of Bobby Driscoll & Kathryn Beaumont. The original voices of Peter & Wendy (:

Tinkerbell was a good fairy in all honesty, but fairies are so small that they only have room for one feeling at a time. And right now she was filled up with jealousy of Wendy. So when she smiled sweetly at Peter and waved at them to follow her, they all trusted that she would follow Peters order and bring them to safety. When they flew over the island she could hear the children cry out for her slow down but she just pretend that she could not hear them and speeded up even more. When she reached the secret lair she was sure she had lost all the kids, but she wasn't satisfied yet.

The lost boys were sitting around the kitchen table arguing about if Peter had been gone for two or three days. It was a silly question but the boys easily got bored when Peter wasn't around. In total there were six of them. Nibs who was the oldest one, he was in charge when Peter wasn't around. Slightly who was a bit nutty and thought he had memories from before Neverland. There was Curly who always got blamed for everything. The twins who just are "the twins" since nobody knows what twins really are and Tootles, the unlucky one.

It took Tinkerbell some time to get their attention but when she did they still wouldn't shut up "Peter is home!" "Where is he?" "When is he coming here" "Where were you?" And so on. "Ey, listen to the lady" Nibs exclaimed to make them shut up. Tinkerbell waved and smiled at them before explaining that it was a big ugly Wendy bird out there who Peter wanted them to shoot down. It was a genius plan really since it wasn't hard to convince the boys. They were used to this sort of adventure and the chance to make Peter proud always made them excited. So all the boys ran trough the underground tunnels with their slingshots, pokes and bow and arrows. They were quite a violent group of boys but it was just part of their life in Neverland. All the boys ran through the forest while cheering excitedly until Slightly spotted Wendy in the sky "There it is" he exclaimed "It's the Wendy bird" Curly agreed and they all loaded their weapons, ready to attach.

Wendy and her brothers flew in confused circles over the part they last seen Tinkerbell but the jungle beneath them showed no signs of life. "Oh it hopeless" Wendy sighted just before something caught her attention, a sea of sticks, stones, arrows and pine cones flew through the air at her. Wendy felt that she was starting to panicking and all her happy thoughts was gone. That's when she started to fall. She fell with her head first, a drop of at least a hundred meter, she couldn't even bring herself to scream so she just shut her eyes tightly and got ready to smash her head open when she hit the hard ground. But before hitting the ground a pair of strong arms wrapped around her and hold her tight before landing on the ground softly. "Are you okay?" Peter asked without putting her down, Wendy opened one of her eyes slowly before breathing out and nodded "Yes" she said but her voice was barely more than a whisper "You saved my life, thank you Peter" she smiled at him but he just shrugged and put her down on the ground. But for real though he couldn't help but feel a bit proud, whoever did this would have to pay.

Tinkerbell however was furious and couldn't believe that her plan failed. Then the lost boys came running through the forest screaming and shouting they all tried to come first so they could get the glory of shooting the bird down since they still didn't know what they've done. When they spotted Peter a big fight broke loose again, "I did it Peter" "no I did it" they all screamed. "Enough" Peter ordered and all the lost boys suddenly stopped to look at him. "Do you know what you've done?" Peter asked them seriously and the lost boys started to realise that something was wrong so they all shook their heads. Peter went to take Wendy by the hand and brought her forward "I brought you a mother, too tell you stories, but then you guys goes and shoot her down" all the boys gasped "A mother?" The twins asked "But Tink said that you ordered to shoot the Wendy bird down" Slightly said while hiding his slingshot behind his back, all the boys nodded but didn't dare to meet their leaders eyes. "Tink said... Tinkerbell?" Peter looked around. The little fairy ducked behind a leaf but the glow the surrounds her gave her away. "Tinkerbell come down here" he said sternly. Tinkerbell peaked up behind the leaf with her most innocent smile but Peter didn't buy it "Is it true Tink?" She shrugged "Tink you could have killed her" she shrugged again and Peter started to feel angry, why would she do that? She had disobeyed direct order and tried to kill their new friend, blaming it on the boys. "I'll here by banish you forever Tink, traitors isn't welcome amongst us" Tinkerbell couldn't believe what she just heard, it had just been a little prank. She couldn't believe he chose Wendy over her.
So she lifted up in the air did a graceful spin and disappeared in to the woods. "Peter, forever is a very long time" Wendy said and touched his shoulder gently "I know" he sighed "but she need to think about what she done" he turned to the boys "and I haven't quite forgotten about you guys but for now, let's go home". He looped his arm through Wendy's and started to walk through the thick jungle. Once in awhile he would throw a look at Wendy who were looking around herself, smiling at how beautiful the island is. On their way to the secret lair they walked on a small path surrounded by beautiful flowers and Wendy could hear the sound of rippling water nearby. No one could have suspect that only 10 minutes ago they were about to lose her.
But Wendy was happy, Neverland was even more wonderful than she could ever could have imagined and the fact that Peter still held her hand to lead the way made her feel safe and carefree. They walked for a few more minutes before Peter stopped in front of a huge tree, he smirked at here and said "this is our head quarter, an well, where we live" Wendy smiled back at him after taking a good look "how do you get in?" She asked rising one eyebrow. As answer Peter pulled a branch from the tree and suddenly there was a hole big enough to go through if you bent your knees a little. "Oh, a secret door" Wendy said impressed, Peter just smiled cockily at her and said "ladies first" Wendy went through but wasn't prepared at the slide that started from a hole in the ground and went down is such speed she almost didn't realise what happened until she hit the floor again. She raised her head too look were she had ended up. At the moment she lay on the floor in a big room that seemed to serve as kitchen, living room and bedroom all at once. It was far from clean, probably since there only lived boys there but it was a somewhat cozy feeling over it all. She felt like she would feel right at home here and was thinking about that when she heard screaming from far away and only seconds later later Michael came flying landing on her back followed by John and slightly. Wendy felt completely mushed under all the boys and tried her best too breath. "You know it could be a good idea to not be lying around on the floor like that" Peter chuckled but she just stuck out her tongue as respond. He kept on laughing at her as he helped her up from the floor but then clenched his jaw to stop and asked "So, mother, what do you think about your new home?" Most of the boys stopped playing and looked expectantly at her "Oh it's absolutely lovely" said Wendy and smiled lovingly at the boys. This make- believe might be just, make-believe, but that didn't stop them from loving as a real family.

I just realised just how weird this whole idea is, but I'll carry on. We'll just have to wait and see how this turns out.

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