Chapter 21

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Nathan's POV 

Ev's Aunt Manon saw us almost immediately as we arrived in the car park at the train station. Although we were quite a hard group to miss - Tom, Max, Seev, Jaybird and myself were accompanied in first class by Ceallach, Sasha, my mum and Jess. 

She  jumped up from her car and elbowed her husband, who was sitting on the hood of his, and rushed over to us. Her young face was in front of mine in an instant, her spiky black hair looming very close to my forehead. "Hey Nathan!" She said, before giving me the biggest hug. I don't know what it was with Evanna's family, but they were always so happy. I was suddenly really glad we had decided to host the ceremony here. Ugh ceremony. I hated how formal it sounded. 

Manon moved on from me and, presumably under specific orders from Ev, went straight to my mum. She had been feeling a bit tense for the whole journey - worried about meeting so many new people, little did she know she had absolutely nothing to worry about. Before I knew it, Manon had my mum giggling all over the place, completely at ease as they joked together. 

"Alright, half in my car, half with Steph!" Manon called pointing to her husband who grinned at us. But as we all split up, Manon made sure to guide my mum over to her car which I thought was really thoughtful. Jay, Tom, Seev, Max and I all joined Steph in his much larger car. We stuck on the radio, singing along to any song we recognised and talking over it when we didn't. Steph, only about 7 years older than Max, was easy to speak to, helping to poke fun at me with all the others. 

We arrived in the village where Evanna lived  a while later and as we drove along the dirt path the white sands of the beach caught my attention. I saw a sign saying Closed to the Public 6th - 7th September and my stomach tightened. 

"This place is sweeeet!" Max let out a low whistle once he had hopped out the car, neatly parked behind Manon's. He looked over to the scorching sun and the glistening, inviting waves almost hungrily. 

"I'll say!" Siva breathed, his eyes unfocused as they lingered on the almost blindingly white sands. 

"Woah, we'd better brace ourselves. I can tell Siva's already planned to be getting up early for some sunrise meditation." Jay laughed his booming chuckle which was always more entertaining than  the actual joke he was telling. 

"My brother, Ev's dad lives here. If you'd like to come inside." Manon took um under her wing once more. Jess, who had been here once with us before just strolled in after them her face stretched into a seemingly permanent smile. 

"You coming Nath?" Ceallach called over to me as he followed Sasha inside. I could hear girlish giggles coming from the back garden and I wondered if Ev was there. 

"Nath - you do realise that the faster you get your butt inside, the sooner you see Ev?" Tom asked cheekily. I grinned and tried to roll my eyes casually. But I increased my speed all the same and propelled myself towards the door. 

I joined the crowd of people gathered in the bright hallway, cluttered as it was with boxes. I think I could take a guess at what sort of thing they contained. Gemma, Ev's eight year old sister, was already in Jay's arms - they'd sort of bonded for life over Christmas when she'd met Neytiri. 

Manon dragged us all through the house to the sunny garden and Natalie pounced on us. Imitating the actions of her sister-in-law  she introduced herself to everyone. I let my eyes wander past her, to  where Ev's sister Renee was wobbling around after her dad wearing a tiny pink prom dress. I think I could guess what that was for too. It was only just dawning on me that it was actually happening. 

I strained my neck to see Evanna, Siva laughing when I still wasn't his height, but she obviously wasn't here. I edged forward to where Natalie was talking to my mum. They were chatting about preparations and stuff, mum seemed at home instantly offering to stick the kettle on for everyone, and I hated to interrupt but I had to know where Ev was. 

The Concept is Simple (Sequel to You're Crazy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora