Preferences: "The Little Things He Does."

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No matter where you are, he always makes sure you're close to him. He doesn't like being apart from you. He'll always be holding your hand, have his arms around you or even just standing next to you.


Like Niall, you're a "carefree mofo" so whenever you're together e comes up with a new thing to try together. He loves watching your face light up with excitement. and at the end of the day, he always lets you know how Lucky he is to have you in his life.


He always tells you that you look beautiful. Even if you're in lazy clothes, he reminds you how gorgeous he thinks you are. You shy away and blush at the ground. He lifts your chin and kisses the tip of you nose.


Whenever you have to leave, he squirts his cologne on you so you can smell him later on that day. He also gives you some of his clothes so you can have his scent.


He always asks how you are.While it may seem a routine to ask, he always intently stares in your eyes to make sure you're alright. If he thinks something is off he won't stop staring in your eyes until you confess.

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