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"You can't fire me! She deserved what she got!" Marzipan yelled as he boss took her red velvet vest out if her hands. "Marzipan you poured the butter for the pop corn all over her head." He replied as he plucked the name tag from the soft fabric. She looked at him as if he had just stabbed her. "It's Mari. And what else should I have done? You should have seen how she was treating her kids! You could hear that smack from a mile away Pete!"
Marzipan ran a hand through her hair remembering the red hand print in the side if the little boys soft cheek. Tears falling down his face. The joy in his eyes as she reached to give his hand mark a kiss.
Pete shook his head. "It's sir." She looked at him and smiled as she slipped off her hat with the words 'Cinema' sprawled across it in black and gold lettering. "Not any more. Pete." She tossed the hat I front if him and walked out the door.
She walked out of the grey room into the snack station, through the workers door and out of the cinema. Two middle fingers flying behind her. She turned to he left an asked into the building labeled 'the sub hub' an pulled her phone put of her back pocket. And dialed. A small voice picked up. "What's up Marzipan?" The voice sounded annoyed. "Don't bother comeing to work. I'm picking up your shift. An for gods sake it's Mari." She talked as she slipped off the red crew neck shirt revealing a black tank top with a cartoon sub danceing on it.
"Why? What's the occasion?" The girl asked. Marzipan slipped on her apron and replied. "I lost my other job Mia.." It became silent. "You know that not such a bad thing." Mia continued. "Maybe it'll show your mom that your to your to do this!" She line at her feet and then the clock. Then hung up.
She walked Ito the back room and clocked in. "I'm here early Mr.Dumkirk." She'd yelled as she layed a peice if wheat bread on the counter. "I'll pick up Mias shift-"
She stopped mid sentence. What she saw before her. Who she saw before her. Was something she couldn't handle...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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