Chapter Fifteen

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Sorry it took me so long to update! I worked all weekend! And stupid school and homework 😁😒


"You're not just some person they were put in foster care with. They needed a motherly figure and I wouldn't have anyone else be that but you," Elliot tells me.

I half smile and push myself to him so he has to wrap his arms around me again.

"Okay," I whisper.

I feel him kiss my head again so I turn to look upwards. He then kisses my lips.

And again.

And then it' I really making out with Elliot Stabler?

All too soon he breaks the kiss, but his arms stay around me. Where I want them.

"Don't let those kids go. Don't let me go. You don't have to be alone."

"Being alone is all I know," I say, just above a whisper.

"It shouldn't be. If your going to let yourself be anything, be in this family," he requests. "If not for me or you, for them. For the baby who will never know who Kathy was."

"Guilt tripping much?"

"Is it working?"

"Little bit," I admit.

I pull away from him to go back to Eli, but Elliot won't let me go.

"Promise me. We all need you. And I know, on some level, you need us. Please, promise me."

Does he really mean this?

Well, he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't, I guess.

I stop my struggle and relax into his arms again. "I promise."

It's then he releases me.


"Liv, I don't have a problem with it. It's Tucker that's gonna shit himself over it."

I run my fingers through my hair, stopping my pacing. "It's not fair, though! He's suspected this for nine years! And now, he'll-"

"You thought he was dead. And now that he isn't, and he's out of WP for you to have, he'll never let you two be on cases together."

I feel tears forming but I suppress them. "Fine. Tell him I'll transfer back to Computer Crimes."

"Liv," I hear Cragen say.

"Please, Cap. I'm not letting him lose his job."

"He's going to go wherever he can so he can still be with you. He knows how important working for SVU is for you."

"I haven't gone through the hell he has. He can stay. That's final."

I walk out of his office and start packing up my things. I made sure to do this while no one was here so I wouldn't be bothered. Once everything is in a box, I shove it in my trunk. Then I drive home.

When I get there, I see more packed-up boxes. The Stablers have found a house not to far from here. I'm helping them move their things today. Maureen is even moving out of her apartment and into the home. So is Kathleen, when she's not at school, of course.

I take the job of watching Eli and setting up his room. I only do it because I want to feel like a mother to him for as long as possible, now that I'm done living the role.

Eli sits in his Pack-N-Play, bouncing up and down excitedly while I set up his new bed. A big big bed.

Once that's done, I put his clothes in his dresser and toys wherever they please. Finally, I can take him out and play with him.

Stork (SVU Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora