Chapter I

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Summary: Dan works at a small office doing coffee runs. His boss, Mr. Lester, needs Dan to do him a favor while his parents are in town for the next couple of weeks.

Genre/Tags: Fake relationship, getting together, alternate universe

Word Count: 2,377

Warnings: Cussing? Pretty much for this chapter..

A/N: HELLO this is my first chaptered fic EVER this is so exciting!!! (also pls don't hate for the title I laughed so hard when I came up with it, and it's actually really fitting for the plot which is weird) I already wrote out the next four chapters and I planned the plot for each chapter all the way up to chapter 11!!!!!!!!! And then I just wrote the rest as this one giant mess which I'll deal with later. I don't know how often I'll update this though??? I'll try really hard to update this but it might be a little hard with this school year BUT I PROMISE I WILL TRY!! I really hope you all enjoy it and give me lots of love because I'd really appreciate that so so so much!!! 

The sunlight bursted through the window and seeped into the room through the blinds. A deafening screech of an alarm clock went off as a loud, yet muffled groan emitted from beneath the covers. From under the covers was a hand, barely sticking out due to the cold chill of the room, blindly tapping away on a phone for a snooze button. With difficulty, the young man finally hit snooze, causing the ear-splitting sound to seize.

Dan snuggled back into the comfort of his nest of blankets and drifted back into a peaceful slumber. Minutes passed and he did not hear his alarm ringing for the second time. Or third. Or fourth, and so on. It wasn't until his phone began vibrating on his nightstand that he had finally woken up.

Realizing that someone had been trying to call him, he once again stuck out his hand as much as he needed to to pick up his phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" He tiredly mumbled. He rubbed his bleary eyes and yawned quietly.

"Dan?! Are you sleeping? Do you know what time it is?!" A slightly agitated sounding voice said.

Dan sat up quickly, suddenly not caring about the cold at the moment. He glanced over to his clock on the wall and squinted to check for the time. He stared wide eyed as he sprung out of bed.

"Shit! Fucking hell, I did not mean this to happen, Louise. I swear. Look, I-" the brunet was cut off.

"I don't care what you have to say now. Just get your ass over here and then you can tell me your excuses later!" Louise ended the call before Dan had a chance to explain himself.

Dan sighed to himself before hurrying off to his bathroom. He didn't even bother with a shower as it would take too long. He looked in the mirror and groaned when he saw that he had his slight hobbit hair. He then searched for his straighteners and quickly plugged it in. While he waited, he took this time to find his clothes and brush his teeth.

After he was finished with about everything, it was 11:42. He grabbed his phone and keys and quickly left his flat that he shared with PJ. He arrived at the company building a little after 12. Quietly cursing to himself, he ran into the building, hoping he wouldn't be late.

Dan walked into the meeting room where his colleagues were sat down at a table. He made a glance around the room and noticed one person missing: his boss. Good, he thought, I just barely made it. He looked again to find his friend. After walking around the table, she noticed his appearance.

"Nice to see that you've finally arrived," Louise said to him as he pulled up a chair.

"Yeah. Thanks for the wakeup call by the way. I honestly have no idea what the hell happened," Dan tried to explain.

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