Third Year

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Ron Weasley was wrestling with a tiny owl and cursing when his sister, Ginny walked into his room with a load of fresh laundry. She paused in the doorway and observed the show quietly for a moment. It was quite funny. Ron was trying in vain to attach a piece of parchment to a skittish little owl, which was either too excited or didn't want to have anything to do with the task at hand to stand still. It fluttered in the air while her brother grappled for its leg and yelled for it to calm down.

Ginny laughed, causing her brother to let go of the owl, which took off, flying in circles around his room. It swooped down towards their heads and then flew back up to the ceiling, twittering madly as it went.

"Where'd that owl come from?" Ginny asked, setting his laundry on his bed.

Ron was attempting to grab at the owl once again as it flew towards him.

"I'm…*huff*…trying…*ergh!* send…*come back here!*…Harry a note about…*heave*…the Quidditch World Cup!"

Ginny looked up at the owl, now fluttering near the ceiling. "Why does Harry have a different owl? What happened to Hedwig?"

"Huh?" Ron asked. "Nothing happened to Hedwig. This is my owl. Siri…." He stopped and stared at his sister, his mouth hanging open.

Ginny stared back and waited for him to finish his sentence. Instead, Ron just stood there, clearly trying to figure out what he should say next. She waited patiently, and while she waited the tiny little grey owl flew down and landed on her shoulder. She put her hand up to him and he hopped cheerfully onto the back of it. Ginny brought him down so she could get a better look.

"He's really cute," she said. "He's yours? Where'd you get him? Mum and Dad didn't say anything about getting you an owl."

After a moment, her brother found his voice and responded. "Er, Harry gave him to me."

"Really?" Ginny asked. "Why's that?"

"It's a birthday present," Ron said.

Ginny stared at her brother. "Ron, your birthday is in March. Either this is an extremely late or very early present. Tell me the truth."

"He felt bad about Scabbers," Ron blurted. "And…and wanted to cheer me up."

"Do Mum and Dad know?" Ginny asked. "I mean an owl is kind of an expensive gift. Doesn't Harry usually give you Chocolate Frogs and Dung Bombs and stuff like that?"

Ron looked affronted. "What? Can't a bloke do something nice for his best mate?"

"Sure," Ginny replied, stroking the owl, who was chirping softly. "I was just asking. This was very nice of…Harry."

The owl turned it's big round eyes on her and hooted softly. She cooed back at him.

"How come you won't sit still for me?" Ron said, glaring at the owl.

"Clearly, you don't have the magic touch, like I do," Ginny said. "What's his name?"

"He doesn't have one," Ron said.

"You haven't even named him?" Ginny scoffed. "I will then."

"He's my owl!" Ron said. "Give him back!"

"Alright, I'll just let him go and you can try to catch him again," she said, and lowered her hand in preparation to tossing the owl into the air.

"No!" Ron yelled. "I've been trying to catch him for hours!"

"Then I get to name him," Ginny replied, still stroking the owl that looked at her adoringly.

"Bloody hell," Ron said.

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