Chapter 1: Run With You (Parts 4 to 6 of 8)

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"You're slouching." The soft voice made the observation hover just above a question.

"Sorry, Eun." Amy pulled herself up in the chair and gripped each of its arms. Her fingers dug into the plush fabric and stayed there as tense and rigid as her spine.

"You don't need to apologize, Amy. I'm just wondering if anything is wrong. You usually have such perfect posture." On the other side of the protective glass, Dr. Tan was in her usual stance, leaning over her notes and glancing over the top of her glasses. Today, her short, black hair was loose and the tips hung down like pincers on either side of her chin. Behind her, the backdrop of an office with bookcases and a Monet painting was cloaked in gloom to help preserve the illusion.

"Nothing's wrong. Just tired. I guess, I over did it this morning." Amy jerked her head to the treadmills next to her, wondering if Eun would spot the lie.

The little woman leaned in another few inches toward the glass. "Tired? Are you feeling sick?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Any headaches or nausea?"

"No." Amy began to shift in her seat, but was too self-conscious to draw her knees up to her chest like she wanted. She could hear Eun's voice in her head. Why are you feeling defensive, Amy? Do we need to change your dosage again, Amy? Should we schedule more counselling sessions, Amy?

She finally settled on crossing her legs. "Sometimes a slouch is just a slouch. It doesn't mean anything."

Eun made a note on her pad that was hidden just below the sill.

"I don't mean to pester you, dear. But with the event in less than a week, we have to be extra careful about your wellbeing, Amy."

"I know, but I'm in control. I would tell you if I felt I wasn't. Are they still going to give me an MRI next week?"

"Yes, but R.J. will be by later to speak to you about it. I'm sure he'll be able to answer your questions."

Amy shrugged. What questions? They wanted to scan her brain. What more did she need to know. She had to be on her best behavior because someone would be entering the cage with her after she became the beast. But they were going to be extra cautious. They'd check her physical and mental states and then check them again. Then again and again.

Hadn't she proved she was the one in control? Hadn't she fought the animal's urges? The joy of the hunt? The insatiable hunger? The thrill of spilling blood? It wasn't easy. Not when the beast was both inside in her mind and outside on her skin, but she had beaten it. She had seized the power and was in charge of it.

But despite all she had done, no one seemed to trust her when she grew her fur and sharp teeth. It annoyed her that they still didn't fully trust her but she couldn't really blame them either. The past was not so easily forgotten.

Earlier while she was washing up after the run, she had let the steam cover the shower door. There weren't supposed to be cameras in her bathroom, but she didn't entirely trust them either. With the clouds of water vapor enveloping her, she performed her secret ritual.

Mommy, she thought as she drew a line down on the tile. Daddy and Donny. Two more streaks took their place next to the first, cutting through the foggy vapor leaving shiny, white lines. Then she made three identical ones on the next tile in rapid succession. Three lines without names for three men she had never known and whose names she would never learn. With her finger suspended over the next square she said, Jamie. The name was just a twitch on her lip. Amy made two more lines-one for her friend and then one for her enemy. Larry.

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