Hogwarts: The Next Generation

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***All Characters,settings,etc. Belong to J.K. Rowling, I'm just a big fanof her work!***


            Albus Potter and Rose Weasley waved goodbye to their parents and then got settled in the first empty compartment they could find for their first train ride. The two babbled on and on about spells they would learn, secret passage ways they would find, and all of their parents pervious adventures. Soon, they got excited too about the upcoming year and decided to change into their robes early.

           Rose looked a lot like her mother her wavy hair and chocolate eyes were darker but you could tell she was Hermione Granger’s daughter from the instant you saw her. Albus, on the other hand, had light brown hair that was as untidy as his father’s had been and had the same emerald eyes too.  

                The two were still conversing as a quick knock on the door made them both jump. Scropius Malfoy came sauntering in with another nasty future Slytherin.

                “Hello, you must be Weasels’ and Potter’s kids,” Malfoy said in a mean tone. “Well, it looks like you compartment is the most remotely empty one, so we will be sharing it with you.”              

                “Excuse me, Malfoy,” Rose said “who said we would let you?”

                “Who said I asked?” Malfoy countered as he plopped down next to her.

                She looked at Albus, who rolled his eyes and started to stare out the window, wanting nothing to do with the two new companions. Rose caught Malfoy staring at her ad broke the silence the two unwanted boys had brought

                “What do you want ?” she said as she started to get annoyed.

                “I was just thinking what a waste you will be in Gryffindor.”

                “And why do you think that?” Rose responded getting worked up.

                “Because Slytherin could use someone smart like you.”  Scropius said as blood crept up to his cheeks.

Rose was shocked at the response. She quickly mumbled something about being tired and tried to sleep the rest of the way.

Scropius’ POV

Rose looked kinda cute while she slept. WHAT AM I THINKING? This is ridiculous, I  mean I should I even like this girl? I was interrupted by someone whispering my name;

                “Scropius,” said Drake Thorne “do you like her?”


                “Of course not.” I lied “Where the heck did you get that idea?!”

                “I dunno,” He said as he withdrew “but she is sorta pretty so I might talk to her. Do you think I have a chance?”

                “Probably not, you can’t if she’s in Gryffindor and she would most likely turn you down any other way.” I smirked. Man, this guy was a idiot, she would probably fall head over heels for Drake.

                A new but quiet voice spoke up;

                “You both know that Rose doesn’t like you, and won’t when she’s older either.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2011 ⏰

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