Back to school

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For the past few weeks it's been nothing but partying. Don't get me wrong, I love all the parties and and the quality time with guys and the shows, but school is starting soon. Like in 2 days.

This fucking blows. The guys just dropped me off at my place a few hours ago and left. My parents started letting me drink alcohol. They stopped caring what I do. They know I drink, and they know i smoke too.

My mom just came back with a bunch of drinks for me. Mikes Hard Lemonade in a bunch of different flavors, tequila, vodka, grey goose, fireball, Jack Daniels. But mostly Jack and vodka.. I love my drinks. I took all my alcohol and put my name on it so they wouldn't drink it. Taking my vodka and putting it in the freezer. I went back into the kitchen grabbing 2 bottles with their lids, I filled a clear bottle and filled it with vodka then taking the other bottle and filling that with Crush Orange soda and tequila, putting it back in the fridge and the vodka in the freezer. Now we wait for school.

2 days later-

This morning I woke up at 6:30am getting ready for school. I had face-timed all the guys at once while I was getting ready. They were already missing me. I missed them too. Taking the bottles filled with alcohol and putting it in my bag. I then grabbed my pack of cigarettes and slid them into my back pocket and grabbed a lighter.

"Alright, I'm leaving." I yelled before exiting the house, walking to the end of my driveway. As I waited I took out a cigarette and lit it. Taking long drags and blowing out the smoke. It was cold as fuck this morning, and I have a beanie and a sweatshirt Denis let me borrow.

When the bus appeared from the top of the hill I took one last drag from my cigarette and then stomped it out. Loading on the bus, it was quiet. I had an assigned seat next to one of my enemies, Destiny, one of the biggest sluts in the school.

"Jesus Ashley, you smell like cigarettes and look like shit." She complained.

"I don't give a fuck Destiny, I'll do whatever I want." I replied.

"What the hell happened to you?" She asked.

"I partied a lot, all that shit, got drunk a lot." I stated, boredom dripping off my voice.

"I saw who you were hanging with off your Instagram, ya maybe wanna hook me up with that one, I think his name is Denis." She smirked.

"Pass, he doesn't go for whores. Trust me, I went to a club with him. He denied every girl in there and stuck by my side. So fuck no, I'm not helping you." I muttered.

"Did you just call me a whore? What the fuck? I thought we were friends!" She gasped.

"Destiny, you're a whore, look at how you dress, the way you act. You just asked me to help you hook you up with one of my closest friends who is way out of your league. You don't even know him. You just assume any guy would want you. You hate heavy metal and that's what he does. As I said before, fuck off." I growled.

"You're such a bitch Ashley! You'll never get a boyfriend!" She yelled.

"I've got a better chance than you do. You have a better chance of being a low class hooker. I have a chance of doing what I actually want to do." I stated before plugging in my earphones and canceling out her squealing.

We shortly arrived at school. I took out my earphones and shut off my phone before placing it into my pocket.

We were released from the buses, my friends Aubrie, Sam and Ehryann came up to me. Ehryann started drinking but doesn't smoke because her lungs are bad.

"Woah, Ash, you smell like cigarettes." Aubrie addressed.

"I know." I mumbled.

"What happened to you over the summer, besides all that partying that I saw clips of off of snapchat." Sam asked

"Pretty much just the partying, waking up with hangovers." I shrugged.

"You're already drinking?!"Aubrie whisper yelled.

I nodded, "And I'm not even stopping for school."

"Neither am I." Ehryann noted, grabbing a bottle probably filled with liquor. I lifted mine out of my bag as we toasted.

"Cheers to partying and drinking." I said as we knocked our bottles together and taking a swig.

Aubrie didn't seem to be too happy with me right now. Why would she be? I'm drinking alcohol just to get drunk at school. I'm not even as fun as I used to be, just cause I'm drinking during the day. I'm a day drinker, as of now.

These past few days I have become more and more like a raging alcoholic. Aubrie just learned about all this today, she's a few months younger than me, not to mention that she's preppy. We don't share the same taste in music or anything. Last year I finally got her to get a bit more of a dirty humor. I was so proud. Now all I do is drink and smoke, Have panic attacks, talk to the guys and my friends.

Sam and Aubrie are absolutely pissed at me for doing all this. I didn't care too much, I'm too drunk to care. We went to get our schedules from the office, I checked mine. I had all the same classes as Sam and a few with Aubrie. Ehryann is a year ahead of me so we didn't have any classes together.

1st period- English
2nd- Science
6th- Math
7th- Computer Class

I had periods 1, 4, 5 and 6 with Aubrie.

We said our goodbyes to Ehryann and went off to English. I sat in the back corner with Sam. Aubrie sat up in the front. The bell rang a few seconds later. The teacher was running late and my friend James or as I like to call him, Jamie Barrie, walked in and sat at the desk in front of me.

"Hey Ashley, how'd your summer go? I saw clips of the parties on SnapChat." James asked.

"Hi, yeah my summer started out pretty sucky, then the rest of August during and after warped was sick." I replied.

"Yeah, so were you drinking or what?" He questioned.

"Yes I was drinking alcohol, it's a party." I stated. James grabbed the bottle of alcohol off my desk and was going to take a drink. I snatched it out of his hand.

"Hey, was gonna drink some, you always let me drink your water. Relax its just water. I can fill it up for you later." He bickered.

"Bad Jamie, just assuming I stopped drinking after all the parties. And also assuming that it's water when it's not." I scolded.

"Then what the hell is in it? It looks like water to me." He huffed.

"It's vodka dipshit. I'm not gonna stop drinking because of school. That's what happens in prison." I informed.

"Yeah right." He doubted.

"Fine, try it. It's not water." I implied.

"Fine I will, I can guarantee that it's gonna be water." He bet, then taking a swig. He made a face, eventually swallowing it. "Oh my god? How the hell can you drink that? It burns."

"I have a high tolerance to alcohol. But getting drunk at this point is the only reason why I'm relaxed and not having a panic attack. That and the mix of cigarettes." I stated.

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