Chapter Three

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School is honestly so stupid. Who's idea was it? 'Oooohhhhh let's build a place where we can cram kids in and torture them for 7 hours'. And why morning? Why can't it start at noon? Everything just doesn't add up.

But because apparently I'm a teenager and I have to suffer to the end of life.

So here I am sitting in math class with a lot of numbers that I can't make out. And Harry is sitting to rows to my right and he looks effortlessly beautiful. And my mom has taught me to appreciate the beauty in life. So I just checked him out throughout the whole class.

He'd occasionally look my way but I'm quick to avert my gaze. We don't wanna get caught now do we ?

The bell rang and I was quick to pack my stuff and put them in my backpack.

When I walked out I saw Zayn rushing in the hallway and I noticed he was heading towards me.

"Dude, dude, dude, something doesn't feel right!!!" He shouted.

"What doesn't feel right, Zayn?" I asked lowly.

"I don't know something inside of me doesn't feel right! I try to bring out my vampire senses but they won't!!!" He whisper-shouted.

"What do you mean Zayn?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Listen you are the only other person that knows I'm a hybrid! Harry, Liam and Niall all think I'm a werewolf. You are the only person I have Louis! And I can't tell my parents because they would freak out if they knew I've been shot" he said frantically.

"Come to my house after school. We'll try to figure something then!" I put both my hands on his shoulders to steady him and to comfort him too. I squeezed a bit before letting go "how about now, we go for lunch?" I asked and smiled at him he smiled a bit and nodded.

We headed to the canteen, and stood in line to get out lunches and then proceeded to the table that the rest were sitting on.

"Hey Zayn, Louis" Liam greeted and the rest nodded I smiled and nodded back before sitting down and digging in my food.

"Ugh Louis how can you eat that?" Harry asked disgusted.

I looked down at my food and realized it does look... Questionable ?

"Uhm, I'm just hungry" I shrugged.

"Want half of my sandwich?" Harry offered.

"Nah, I'm fine Harold" I smirked.

"For the thousandth time. It's Harry" he huffed

"Okay, Harold" I just couldn't resist anymore.

"You know what? Whatever I'm done with you" he shrugs and goes back to his food.

I look up and see Liam giving me weird looks... Hmm what's up with him?

"Tommo! Are you even listening?" I heard Niall say

"What, huh.. Sorry I wasn't listening" I shoot him a quick smile.

"Are you coming today? We are hanging out!!" He told me.

"Sorry, can't today I have plans already"

"What! You and Zayn are both busy! What's a hanging out if it's only with 3 people!" He exclaimed loudly.

"Well, it's a hanging out with three people!" I shot back he just threw an apple at me which I dodged.

"Hi Lou"

"Hi lots!" I threw behind me at my sister. Wait what? "Charlotte, what are you doing here!" I turned around to face my sister.

"I enrolled here Lou" she shrugged.

"What! Why didn't anyone tell me??" 

"We were that night that we also decided to go on that family trip" she emphasized the 'family trip' part.

"And what about yesterday?"

"Decided to make it a surprise" she shrugged again.

"Buuuttt nno. School is supposed to be my time away from you!" I exclaimed like a child.

"Well. Looks like we'll have lots fun together bro!" She faked excitement. "But for now. Can I sit with you?" She flattered her eyelashes.  May I add. FAKE eyelashes.

"of course no." I told her.

"Fine then, i'll go sit with Ashton from my chemistry class, he's been hitting on me all day" She shrugged and went to walk away.

I huffed "fine you can sit" I gave in because there is no way in hell i'm letting my baby sister with that guy. She grinned and sat down next to me.

"Guys this is my sister Lottie" I pointed at her "and these are, Niall, Liam,Harry,And Zayn" I pointed at them.

"hey" Lottie waved they said Hi back and went back to eating or/and talking.

"We are not done here" I whispered so no one would hear. She smiled at me and got engaged with a conversation with Liam.

Soon lunch was over so we all headed to our classes. I had Math now which luckily I shared with Harry. I smirked at him as we walked in the same direction he just rolled his eyes and walked away. And I couldn't stifle my laugh.


I drove back home with Zayn and Lottie, knowing that my parents and my other sister's won't be back til later.

"Okay, hurry up we need t finish before my parents come back." I urged the both of them.

"Okay okay. Jeez" Zayn huffed and started walking to the front door. I followed after him with Lottie on toe. He waited for me by the door as I got out my keys and opened the door.

We walked in and was about to shut the door when someone pushed it open "wait" he shouted.

"Liam? what are you doing?" I questioned the panting boy.

"I'm so sorry, but I heard your conversation earlier about Zayn Losing his vampire powers..And uhm I have a solution?" he said hurriedly.

"What are you hiding Liam?" Zayn questioned.

"I can do magic" he smiled innocently.

"WHAT THE FUCK AND YOU'VE NEVER TOLD ME??" Zayn exclaimed rather loudly.

"sorry, didn't find the right time" liam said apologetically.

"DIDN'T FIND THE RIGHT TIME? I TOLD YOU I WAS A HYBRID WHEN WE BECAME FRIENDS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT YOU'VE GOT MAGIC EVEN AFTER YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP?!" Zayn shouted and Liam physically flinched I felt bad for the poor boy. Lottie had already left to her room she clearly lost interest.

 "I just got to them a year ago. I'm still trying to adjust to them." Liam's bottom lip started to wobble.

"Are ya'll mythical creatures or something?" I tried to lighten the mood. "Now come on we've got a vampire side to find" I rushed them up to my room.

Once we got there I threw my backpack on my desk and sat down on my bed "Okay Liam, what do you have?" I asked. Zayn was still glaring at Liam so that left me to handle this... Kids...

"Today at my free period after I heard you guys, I looked through this spell book my grandpa gave me. And I found a spell that will recover one's vampire if they lost it. It's special for hybrids so why not help a friend out?" he threw a quick glance at Zayn.

"Okay Laim. Show us what you got!" I stood up and clapped him on the back.

I know i'm the worst human being EVER! i'm sorry but I just started school and it's a new school and the system is all different and shit so it's taking me time to adjust! i'm sorry guys! but hopefully updates will be better soon :D

All the love,


Our own (Larry stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora