The Light Army

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Main characters

Draca- One of the Yin Yang Knights. She wields the Yin Dragonblade, a weapon made from the remains of her mother, Mona. Despite her kind and happy go lucky nature she can be quite manipulative. She also fights dirty and unfair.

Aurn- A dragon who is one of Draca's retainers. Despite his role as retainer, he still gets doubts over his job as Draca is very rude sometimes. He works hard for peace and very rarely starts fights.

Elidi- A dragoness who is one of Draca's retailers. She enjoys surprises and always tries to make each day as different as possible. As Draca's retainer, she always makes sure Draca comes first in her life.


Akira- A dragon who is a newcomer to the Light Knights. He is cocky and doesn't think his battles through well enough. He is a pretty quick when it comes to battle though.

Alucio- A local superhero who is fool of himself and likes to save others. No other way to describe him but a stereotypical superhero.

Heller- A mastermind who is always planning battles ahead. He dose this so well it is rumored he can see into the future. He likes to make sure Draca is in check.

Javier- A retired jouster. Because of this he alway uses his sword like a spear. Even his personality seems flip flopped as he always confuses things and uses materials in different ways then they supposed to be to.

Kiran- The cool one of the group. Always focuses on looking the best in fights. Has a interest in music and is always listening to it in his head. You can tell the instrumental version of a song by the way he sakes his head to the beat.

Lucian- A messenger dragon who delivers messages to various Light Dragons. He believes he is a angel reincarnated as a dragon so he always has feathers on his wings. It is believed his original name before changing it was Icarus.

Oron- The cheerful one of the group. He brings joy to the Light Army whenever anyone is down. He fights for a world without conflict. Knows the most jokes of any dragon in the Light Army.

Uri- The dragonet of the group. Or so he looks like. He was born small but he uses this to his advantage as he can sneak into small areas and gaps. Despite this he always wants to grow and is excited when it happens.


Alina- A dragoness who loves treasure hunts and maps. She is a very directional dragoness. She believes she knows the world better than anyone because of her maps. The downside to having a lot of maps is she mixes them up often witch leads to a terrible direction guide.

Ellen- A shining star of perfection. She can do anything. However, in all actuality she thinks this. She always runs into trouble. However this imagination becoming a reality thought has made her quite a arrogant knight overall.

Lenore- Older sister of Leora. She always has a overprotective side to her because of her younger sister signing up to fight. Even in the situation they are in She tries to be the mother that her younger sister needs as well as a mother to the Light Army.

Leora- Little sister of Lenore. She is most known by the compassion and mercy she shows to her opponents. Despite her constantly getting mocked for her age, she is always willing to let a dragon live. Even a Dark Dragon.

Meira- A somewhat obese dragoness with a particular interest in food. Mealtime is anytime with her. Dragons have always suggested diets but this never works. She uses her weight to add defense and makes a good shield.

Oralee- The most loyal dragoness to the army. She doesn't require or want anything. She dose what she wants for free and serves the Light Army as much as possible.

Zia- A dragoness who is a beauty freak. She hates dirt and anything ugly. She is hired to make armor that makes dragons and dragoness look jaw dropping alike. Fights with style.

Leaders (Males)

Ciro- King of the Light Army. As a result he is very headstrong and doesn't always think things through. Despite this, he always shows he tries to help others. He is very fond of beaches apparently.

Leaders (Females)

Cyrah- Queen of the Light Army. She is seen as a motherly figure who is always trusting of all things Light. She ultimately accepts Draca to become a Light Knight.

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