Chapter 8

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"When you did that power thing. In the limo. It went to the window. The man, I saw him. Perfectly. He was my grandpa. He spoke to me through the window, in my mind. He told me to kill you. To kill you and Matt. But now, I have this power surging through me, one I can control. I understand it. Please, help me. Why am I to kill you?" I begin to back up, I know exactly what this is.

"Matt! Help!" I scream in my mind. Jesse jumps forward, placing a hand over my mouth, but now he's so close, and the butterflies in my stomach are moving a billion miles an hour. His body is over mine, and his forehead is practically touching mine. His hand slowly moves from over my mouth, probably because of the startled look I'm giving him right now.

"I'm sorry, I heard you yell, but then I knew you were.. I reacted fast. I'm sorry." He whispers. His warm breath tickles my neck. I open my mouth to speak, but I'm stuck on words. He suddenly leans down and kisses me. The same firework feeling is shot through my body, but it didn't come from my side, it was from Jesse. Suddenly it clicked. His grandpa, took over him, and was getting him to kill me with his powers.

"Jesse.. Do you.." I couldn't speak after this, and what made it worse was when Matt opens the door, and tosses himself at Jesse, tumbling him off the bed.

"What do you think you're doing! No wonder I felt magic from you! You're a Negative!" Matt's hands grip Jesse's throat, and before I know it, the lights in the room shatter, Matt is tossed across the room, and Jesse falls against the wall he is at. Jesse's dark hair plastered over his face. Matt groans, and his hand is on his back. The lights that are now shattered all over the floor start moving. And re-building themselves. The float back up to the fan and form back together. Then the lights turn on. It was then I noticed my hands in the air, and the blue dust everywhere. Matt looks at me.

"Why did you stop him?!" Matt growls. I slip off the bed and rush to Jesse. His eyes are trying hard to stay open. As if knowing what I'm doing my hand grabs the edge of his shirt before tearing it off. Ignoring the sight, my hand goes for his chest, right over his heart. My eyes close and I feel his pulse. One two three, one two three, one two three." It thuds in his chest rhythmically. He gasps for air, and my eyes shoot open, and I hug him.

"He's not the Negative. He was taken over by one." I say, not looking at Matt who stands over my shoulder. Jesse's body is barely breathing, and I can feel Matt's sadness and regret coming from him.

"Jesse, you okay?" I whisper and his eyes flutter open. Faintly, but enough for him to see me.

"Feather?" This was twice he'd used my nickname in a day.

"Shh I'm here." I whisper. His hand reaches out and I grab it, but immediately pull back. He was freezing. Not only that, but as we touched purple scatters across the room. But as soon as the purple light extends, my blue escapes his red and floats to Jesse's face. Outlining it. My hand goes to my face, holding in the scream.

"You drained him! He's.. He's a Negative now!" I yell and Matt's anger makes the room begin to shake. My other hand touches Matt. And it stops.

"Matt, get the others, meet me in the living room. We are having a talk." I growl and Matt does exactly what I ask. Now with Jesse and I alone I crawl to his side and put an arm around him.

"Jesse.. Please fight it. Don't let it take you. I can't live without you." I whisper, and tears begin to swell in my eyes. His head turns to me.

"I promise. Not to. I think it's just I don't know what I'm going to do with Matt. He never liked me in the first place. Through the closed door, I can hear Matt laughing, and I smile. Matt was the one I loved, and there was no way I could ever admit it. I help Jesse up and we walk out. He sits on the couch. Matt's eyes meet, mine, his glance is anger. Pure anger.

"Please. Don't hate me." I say. Matt's eyes roll. The door opens, and my jaw drops. How in anyway was this happening.

"Heather! You haven't answered any of my freakin phone calls! Where the heck have you.." Her eyes meet Tyler and she looks at me mysteriously.

"Ty?" She says her voice suddenly turning flirtatious. Before I know it, Matt has left my side and has pinned Victoria on the wall. His hand is at her throat. And now everything is faster. Matt is thrown away from the wall, and Victoria's eyes are now glowing a evil red.

"Seriously?" She makes her way to Matt slowly and is staring at him. Now Tyler stands up and has Victoria against another wall.

"Why are you here?" He growls. Victoria's eyes soften.

"For you, because, you know, I missed you." She whispers, but enough for me to catch it.

"Don't tell me crap, you came here just so you could get to Heather." He growls and she smiles up at his face.

"Ty, I love you." She says. Now my anger has completely boiled. My hand reaches out to tap her shoulder, tell her something, when two things happen. Her eyes first fly to me, and then, to him. She reaches up to touch Tyler's face, and Tyler flips her to the ground. His foot is pressured on her neck.

"Yea, love." He scoffs. I don't know why the comment pissed me off, but suddenly the lights start to flicker, and one of the pictures hanging on the wall fly at her, hitting right above her head. But that wasn't all, her eyes look up to glance at me. I suddenly see the light blue surrounding her. She was a Negative. I start to back up, and I run into Matt. He must have understood at the same moment. She pushes Tyler aside.

"What? You scared that I'm going to hurt you? Oh that's right, I did. When I drove your mother crazy, and that poor poor her got run over by the train." She whispers. The anger inside me boils. Tyler just stares at her and Matt walks over to her.

"Moo." He growls. Her glance suddenly moves to him, and the anger on her face is obvious.

"I'm not a.." She's thrown into a wall, and Tyler stands before her.

"You caused this? Really?" He growls in her face. She must not have noticed what she was doing, because I see no other way she would of done it. She turns to Tyler, and in one swift motion snaps his neck. I hear the deathly crack, and the breath gets stuck inside my chest. She stops, and bens down, now screaming and crying. All I can do is stare, and see that now, the dead body of Tyler was on the ground. I fall to my knees and everything begins to get blurry. Death. I hated death. And I'd just witnessed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2013 ⏰

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