Chapter 2

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A bell rang three times before the gates of the fortress opened and Henry was desperate to enter. Rain was falling down the sky in buckets. His body was turning blue inside the carriage because the temperature was so low, Henry was sure it couldn't be normal. The guards seeing the party coming, screamed and called names to and fro.

Won by curiosity he stuck his head out the window, leaning on Alinor who cursed him. The wind and rain hit his face and but he managed to see two guards mentioning for them to enter, waving a banner. Under the rain and the disarray he couldn't really tell what any of those people looked like.

When the carriage finally stopped, servants, Henry assumed, came to help them. He and his siblings put on the coats with the hoods they carried on travels and one by one they got off the carriage. Henry's feet hit the muddy ground and he saw a man talking some strange words to his father before taking everyone inside the castle.

When they finally entered the hall his coat was already soaked, he was trembling and could barely move while the surprisingly small, rosy lady took his coat off. He heard Alinor cursing, talking about how lords should be treated and swatting away the servant's hands, and couldn't help to laugh softly.

He noticed the servants taking his parents possessions, along with Diana's and Alinor's up the stairs. They were grumbling. He may have seen the little maid glaring at Alinor, and some guards didn't even bother to bow to his father.

But it was definitely warmer inside, Henry thought with a sigh. The hall was a beautiful, marble floor with a red carpet leading to an empty throne. There was a soft murmur of Hullian guards and servants around. The castle was way bigger than his family's, of course, but it also was bad lit, a little too dark for Henry's taste.

He didn't had time to appreciate the beauty of the entrance Hall though, because a strong sound of footsteps descending the stairs made Henry look up.

That's when Henry saw the him for the first time.

He had a giant cape made of fur on his back, trousers made of heavy leather. Thick boots, thick gloves and thick body. He came walking down the stairs with an aura of anger that made him a little scared, and a little excited too. People made way for him to past, and he was accompanied by an old man with a big beard that was shaking a paper at him and trying to get his attention.

Henry saw Diana straightening herself up, along with Alinor. He saw his parents put on smiles, too bright to be real, on their faces. He turned his gaze to the approaching man again.

He was walking straight to his family, frowning angrily at the old man by his side. The floor seemed to tremble under his weight, every time the boot made contact with the ground. Or was he just too sensitive?

His face was covered by a light bear, and his hair was black as coal. His eyes were hard, but he seemed no older than thirty. The man beside him was old, however, and had a way more friendly face. They approached his father and greetings were made.

"Your Highness," his father said, and everyone else repeated it, bowing respectfully.

His father turned to the old man. "Ataveus," he said, in a clipped voice.

"Ah, Lord Jeremy we thought you weren't arriving until next week. Eager, yeth?" The old man chuckled. Father looked uncomfortable.

"I didn't want to keep the king waiting."

The old man turned and looked between him and Alinor. "Lord Henry Lorynn?"

"Yes, it's me," Henry replied, aloof.

He smiled, approvingly. "I do believe we have not met. I am Ataveus, the king's counselor. And translator for the evening," he said, a little indignant. "And you must be Alinor. And Diana, how much we hear about your beauty in this country..."

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