01: Savannah

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Being perfect was the only thing I knew how to do. I wasn't allowed to make a mistake. I had to fit the mold that was carved out for me.

It wasn't hard to do, more exhausting than anything. I was blessed with the good looks that was, my perfect blonde hair, long slightly tanned legs, and a slim petite body.

I wasn't naturally smart like everyone in my life thought I was. I had late night cramming sessions weekly to maintain my GPA. Getting into college is the only thing I would probably ever be able to do on my own. I didn't want my acceptance into my parents alma mater, to be a business deal because I wasn't smart enough to get in on my own. I had to get into Dartmouth. Getting in was the only way my parents would ever let up, and stop pressuring me all the time.

But no one would ever know my parents monitored my every move, because we were the Jameson's.

The golden couple parents, and the golden daughter. Like one of those family pictures in the frame, when you buy it. The fake family that are really just random people posing as a happy family. That's what the Jameson's were.

A torn apart family pretending to be perfect for the rest of the world.


My light blue eyes glanced nervously at the clock as my mother circled me, scrutinizing my appearance. I held in the irritated sigh I was dying to release as the minute hand ticked closer to 7:30.

"You're lip gloss is smudged." My mother stated looking at me with disgust. I quickly brought my thumbs up to the corners of my mouth and wiped the sticky substance.

"You're appearance means everything Savannah. You don't want people to think less of you, because you come to school looking like a mess." She drilled, her matching blue eyes were stern as she stared at me. Of course my appearance was the only thing that mattered, not what was inside my head, or my actual personality.

I nodded my head before I quietly left the house, and dashed to my silver BMW. I seriously doubted that people would think any less of me because my lip gloss was smudged, but it wasn't worth the fight.

It was like that everyday in my house. My mother would dissect my appearance before I could even think about leaving, and if I wasn't up to her standards, she would send me back to my room to change into something more presentable. It didn't matter if I was late, because her excuse was always 'If you had just chosen something appropriate the first time, this wouldn't be a problem'.

Today was the start of senior year, and all I had to was make it until spring when acceptance letters came out, and I was in the clear. My parents would finally not feel the need to helicopter, because I had finally done something right in their eyes.

The closer I got to school the more the nerves in my stomach tightened. I had spent all of my summer hiding in my room. I told all my friends that I had went to Fiji, and spent a good couple of weeks bragging about how excited I was. But in reality I really just needed to take a break and be able to just be me.

I spent most of the time reading, and sleeping. I made sure to post something on social media every week, so nobody suspected anything. I hadn't talked to anybody other than my best friend Carolyn and I wasn't looking forward to being the perfect Savannah again. I was also beginning to worry about Michael, and if everything would still be okay between us. We hadn't talked at all, and it would be easy for him to find someone new to entertain him on his cruise.

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