The Alpha's Only Heir- Chapter Two

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A/N: I would like to give a special thanks to Laurie aka xxrandomthoughtsxx for the amazing cover. I absolutely love it! Also thank you to everyone reading, I'm so excited that people really seem interested. Hugs to you all!! I know I said I'd have this up last week but unfortunately two things happened: 1) I was taken to see "Tree of Life" starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, the movie was so bad it made me sick. So then after battleing the cold all week the second thing that happened was...well I just couldn't find a good stopping point. I don't really like this other either but I figured 5-6 pages in word was pretty good. Please let me know what you think. ~AJ

SIDE NOTE: The picture on the side is of Lily's cabin.


There in the top center window stood my father, over seeing my departure again. I resisted the urge to flip him the finger, barely.

“Hurry up Mamma!” Matthew yelled. I watched as my father’s eyes widen in shock. Not expecting that now did you Father. I sent my thoughts to him smirking before closing my mind again and climbing into the car.


“You know that was ballsie.” Phil muttered to me before pulling out of the parking lot. Shrugging I turned to face the window.

“What does ballsie mean Pops?” Matthew pipped up.

“I told you his hearing was getting better.” I chided Phil.

Looking in the rear view mirror Phil smiled, “It means your Momma did something brave and bold.”

“Momma is the ballsiest person ever!” We started to laugh, Matthew joined in, and I couldn’t help but think about the crazy things kids say.

The hour went by too quickly for Matthew as he fell asleep in the back seat. I, however, felt on edge the whole time. “You’ll drop us off near my place first right?” I peeled my eyes away from the scenery passing by to look at Phil. He didn’t need to say anything to me, one look at his face and knew the answer. “I knew it.” At least now my anxious feeling was justified.

“Dammit! He was supposed to clear it with you.” Phil cussed under his breath and I glanced back at Matthew to make sure he was still sleeping.

“You know He never ‘clears’ anything with me. I’m told and I follow orders.” My tone was calm and I could sense Phil’s temper was getting the better of him. This is how a Dad is supposed to react. Placing my left hand on his arm I felt my wrist heat up, my alpha mark showing through the sweatband and I closed my eyes. In my mind’s eye I pulled forth the image of the lake waters by the manor, the water itself feeling cool like it is in the spring and pushed that feeling out like waves to Phil. Once the heat was gone I pulled my hand away.

“You’ve gotten very good at that.” Phil complimented his voice deep with approval and appreciation.

“Thanks.” I rubbed my mark on the inside of my wrist and felt a tug deep within my gut. “There’s more isn’t there?”

“Marie’s been fixing up your new room. Decorating it like a mad woman. The boys all gave up trying to have a normal conversation with her and even Joshua is beginning to lose his mind.” Phil pulled into the long drive and for the first time in five years I saw the manor of my pack, our home.

“New room?” The confidence I had felt at the beginning of this trip had left me. I could the overwhelming need to shift ripple through my body. My inner wolf doubting my safety in my human form. I shifted my eyes to Matthew, who was still sleeping in the back seat. Protect. My wolf suddenly controlled the feelings and I leaned back over the seats, my fingers seeking Matthew’s tiny hands.

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