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The only exception

// Seth //

I watched as Dean paced the room,Angrily muttering to himself.

I have no idea why he's angry this time. All I know is he's angry. He always is.

Dean and I have been best friends for quite some time now. In all my years of knowing him,He's always been a generally angry person. He's always raging about something or another. The littlest things piss him off. But for around three months now,He's been even worse.

You know,I'm starting to think it's my fault.

Every singly time I'm around him,He's pissed as hell. I don't do anything to him,I don't say anything rude,I just sit and look and yet he's still always pissed. I didn't think it was me until two weeks ago,When Roman had pointed it out. He was just never angry until I was around.

I didn't believe him at first. I argued with him,I denied it,I wasn't listening to him. But to prove him wrong I asked a handful of divas. But they only agreed with him. And since I couldn't believe them either,I asked some superstars. They also agreed with Roman.

And now I've noticed it. He really is never angry until I'm around. What the hell am I doing though?

Well up until this point I've been pissed off. Pissed off with him,Myself,And Roman for pointing this out to me. But I'm mostly pissed with myself. What am I doing wrong? I've been scared to ask him, But this is getting out of hand and I have to know why I'm bothering my brother so much.

"Dean." I mutter softly.

"What?!" He snaps. I sigh. "I was just wondering what's been bothering you..."

"Nothing." He growls.

"Obviously something is or you wouldn't be acting this way." I state in frustration. He gives me a warning look as my voice raises slightly and I roll my eyes before trying to calm myself down. The last thing I wanna do is rile him up more.

"You know me,Brother." He spats. "I'm always angry."

"Yeah but never this much! Come on what's wrong? Who's annoying you?" I ask.

"No one." He mutters.

"Dean! Tell me what's wrong so I can fix this little problem-"

"SHUT UP SETH!" He yells causing me to jump back. "First of all,Stay out of my fucking business! Second of all,You cannot fix this problem,Seth! You created it! And third of all,It isn't a little problem you shit head!" He yells shoving my shoulder.

I growl at him before shoving him back. "Well excuse me for trying to help my friend." I yell. "God you act like I'm the worst thing alive! I'm simply trying to help you and you're pushing me away! What the hell did I do wrong?!" I ask shoving him again.

"You're you!" He yells shoving me even harder. I huff as I land on the couch. I shake my head before standing up and stomping towards the door. "Fuck this shit I'm out." I yell. "Fine,Leave I don't fucking care!" He grumbles.

I roll my eyes before walking out,Slamming the door behind me. Fuck him and his mood swings.


It only took me three hours to find my way back to the hotel room. It'd started raining and people thought I was crazy for standing outside during the storm,So I decided to just come back in. I didn't wanna talk to anyone but Dean right now,So I decided to just go back to the hotel room and try my best to settle things like an adult and try not to get into a fist fight in the mist of it.

I quietly open the hotel door and walk in before closing it again. I freeze as I hear sniffling. It's dark in here,Other than the small lamp on the bedside table. I can faintly see Dean's body laying on my bed,The one farthest from the door. He's turned away from me but I can tell he's crying,Which is odd. I've never once seen Dean cry. Did one little fight make him cry?

I quietly shuffle over to the bed and sit on the floor beside it,Staring up at him. He looks down at me,Not even attempting to hide his tears. His eyes,As well as his face,Are red and he looks the saddest I've ever seen him.


"I'm sorry man,I really am." He sniffles. "I'm sorry!"

"Hey it's okay." I coo softly. "It's alright. We always fight,We're brothers. Calm down. It's okay." I whisper. "We've gotten into a full on fist fight before. This was nothing." I chuckle.

"I'm still sorry..." He mutters. "It's alright." I smile.

"Um-I can tell you why I've been s-so angry if you want." He whispers. I just nod. I watch as he takes a deep breath before talking again. "Ugh,You remember a few months back. We were playing Mario cart." I nod. "Yeah well,I had beat you-"

"Yes I remember. Fucking cheater." I roll my eyes. He grins. "I had beat you and you had gotten mad and you crossed your arms over your chest and you stuck your lips out. You were pouting and...And- I thought it was cute. And now I think everything you do is cute." He sighs. "I've always thought what you've done has been cute." He smiles sheepishly. I raise a brow.

"You've been mad at me because you,Just like everyone else in the world,Find me cute?"

"Don't be cocky you asshole." He chuckles. "I haven't been mad at you...I was mad at myself. I kind of really like you Seth. And I knew it was wrong because you don't like me back-"

"I never said that." I blurt.

"Are you saying that you do?" He asks.

"I-Well. I've always looked at you in a different way. I don't like labeling things very much. But I'd do anything for you. I'm willing to do everything for you. And I love seeing you happy,Which I mean, That's rare but I love it." I laugh. "So I suppose that does in fact mean that I like you." I blush.

He smiles slightly before sitting up a little. "Well that's great to know." He grins. "But ugh...I mean I had this girlfriend once...She kind of really fucked me up-"

"Been there,Done that." I nod.

"Yeah...I mean I vowed to never be in a relationship ever again after her...But you're kind of the only exception. If-Um. If you wanna be the only exception I mean." He stutters. I smile and stand up before sitting down next to him. I plant a kiss on his moist cheek and throw my arm around him.

"Yeah. I'd love to be your only exception." I smile.

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