Boy or Girl

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~About a month later~

Erza's POV

My stomach has grown quite a bit this past month.

I also feel better now from talking to Bisca about everything that has happened and everything to expect in the future.

I decided to go to Porlyusica and ask her about the gender of this baby.

Bisca decided to come with me.

We just got to Porlyusica's now.

We went inside and asked if the could tell us the gender of the baby.

She told me to lay on a bed as she did some stuff.

"You're having twins. 1 boy and 1 girl. Now please leave my house." Porlyusica said.

We left her immediately so she wouldn't get mad.

"Hey Bisca. Can you help me decorate the nursery in my apartment?" I asked Bisca.

"I love decorating! Maybe Alzack can paint while we go get the things to decorate with." Bisca said.

Alzack knew about me and my situation.

"Ya sure" I said as Bisca called Alzack on her communication lacrima.

We went to the store and bought all things that matched.

Each child had the exact same stuff but in different colors.

The boy got baby blue stuff and the girl got light pink stuff.

Once we were done shopping it was late, so I stayed the night at Bisca's house.

In the morning the paint was dry in the nursery so me and Bisca went straight to work on decorating.

~Later that night~

It took all day but now we are done decorating.

The wall with the door and opposite of it are both a bright yellow. The wall on the left of the door is baby blue and the wall on the right is a light pink.

There is a crib on the blue and pink wall. The crib is the same color of the wall it's on.

There is also a dresser next to each crib that is the same color.

There is a yellow rug on the floor.

On the back yellow wall there is a yellow diaper changing table and a couple of shelves holding everything I'll need to take care of a couple of babies.

I'm glad that I've had no trouble avoiding my guild mates, but it does feel good that I have someone with experience with babies to help me out.

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