Chapter 1

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Jerome's POV

What do you want to do today, biggums?" asks Mitch, a lively hunter wearing a red and black hood. "I have Betty," I say. "I've got infinity Katniss!" Mitch exclaims. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asks Mitch. "If you're thinking what I'm thinking," I say. "HUNGER DEENS!" we shout. Since there's not really anyone we know who can play with us, all we really do is kill each other.

Herobrine's POV

I failed and dies the last time. I treat the kid like a son and he betrays me. Well that's real nice... Donald... Mitch... whatever your name is. Well you know what they say, "If you don't like it, change it, or live with it since life can be unfair." Wait, I just got a great idea! Thank you, random anonymous quote! If I have mind control over mobs, I can turn Jerome into a mob and turn him into a mob and force him to be my slave for life! But how can I even do that? Viruses? Glitches? There's no end to the possibilities. I have to teach Mitch a lesson anyway.

Mitch's POV

"I'm goin' for the chops! Oh yas!" yells Jerome, swinging Betty like crazy. "NOOO! Don't chop da benj!" I shout, laughing silently. "Hey Mitch," says Jerome. "Yeah?" I answer. "Remember when you were doing parkour and you were all like, 'Grrr... it's a bad day to be a benj?'" asks Jerome. Oh yeah," I laugh. "And we were doing that thirty levels of parkour map and the red blocks killed you while the orange ones blocks gave you a jump boost? You couldn't tell the difference and you were so mad!" I laugh. "How's it goin' with Jess?" asks the fluffy bacca. "Pretty great. I was teaching her about PvP, so yeah! Everything is awesome!" I laugh.

Suddenly, Jerome's smile goes away. "The users must die," he mumbles. "Errr..." are you okay?" I ask Jerome. "I am, but you aren't," he murmurs. "What do you- WHOA!" I shout, ducking as Jerome slices Betty at my head. "Is the death match back on again?" I ask, kind of freaked out. "The death match? Oh, this is more than just a death match. It's-" Jeorme blinks his eyes. "What just happened? Did I get a sugar crash from the cake again?" he asks. Instead of answering Jerome, I give him a question. 

"So you don't remember what just happened?" I ask Jerome suspiciously. "Nope!" he replies. What the heck could be happening? I think. Oh crud. There's only one person that would do this to an innocent bacca. HEROBRINE. "I'm going hunting. Want to come?" asks Jerome. "Nah, I'm good. I could live on cake," I say. "Okay, Betty," Jerome says to his axe, "it's just you and me for now. Come on, Betty!" Jerome strolls into the forest, clutching his precious ace next to him. Jerome is dying inside, so I need to confront Herobrine FTB. For The Bacc. I close my eyes and get in touch with Herobrine.

Herobrine, we need to talk.

Jerome's POV

I grip Betty in my hand like she's my last hope, because I just might die today. "Where am I?" I wonder aloud. "Where are you? Jeez, get a clue. We're in your mind," says a voice. Hey, that's my voice, I think, then every one of my thoughts echoes in my mind, bouncing off the walls. "Yes Jerome, This is your voice." A shadowy figure emerges from behind me. Whoa. That's a bacca. I thought I was the last one. He has orange and yellow fur and dark eyes. "Who are you?" I ask. "Jerome, I am your mob self," he says. "You don't really act like my mob self," I notice. The strange bacca just laughs at me. "Oh no, Jerome. I am your future soul once I corrupt your mind. I am Blaze ASF." Blaze ASF stares into my soul and somehow catches on fire. I get burned and feel the smoke rise. As my eyes are being forced close by the smoke choking me, I manage to gasp the words, "You'll... never.... ever.... break.... me."


I wake up breathing hard. My fur is moist with sweat, and I reach around for Betty. When my vision clears up, my eyes bug out in shock. How did I get back to the treehouse?! Why is it all burned down?! I was out hunting! I run up the stairs of the Bacca Tree and I find Mitch shivering in fear behind a chest in the treehouse.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!! DON'T BURN DA BENJ!" pleads the hunter. "I'M JUST AN INNOCENT BENJ!" he shouts in fear, covering his face with his arm. "Mitch, it's me. What happened?" I ask. Mitch gives me his answer, his eyes in tears. "First, there  was this blaze that tried to burn me to death so I was so freaked out. Then, Herobrine tried taking over my MIND. WE HAVE TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!" he cries. So Blaze ASF was real. No is real. This could only mean one thing which I hoped to never say. Well I guess it's just the ugly truth.

Herobrine is back.

Herobrine's POV

So I'm back and better than ever. Feels good. Great, in fact. Wazzup, Merome?

"Get out of my head! they scream. "So Mitch. Are you getting along with the bacca? "I tease. "Just go away! I don't need you anymore!" shouts Mitch. "Yeah! Leave him alone! Jerome yells. "Well that was a bit harsh. But whatever you say... Blaze ASF." "HEY! Jerome has a name, you know!" says Mitch, "He already proved you're the monster!" "No really. Jerome was that blaze that tried to kill you," I grin. This is going so well. "Jerome?! That was you?!" gasps Mitch. "I'm sorry, Mitch! I couldn't fight it! There was my blaze self trying to kill me and... and... I just can't do it!" cries Jerome. "It's okay Jerome. Herobrine, I'll deal with you later," Mitch says, leaving my mind, Jerome following behind him. This is good. Real good.

I turn around. "Hey blazes! How would you feel about a new brother?" I ask. "Absolutely amazing," they wheeze. "Great," I say, "because you might get another one soon. Real soon." I turn around and face the creepers. "How about you, brothers?" I ask. "Ssssir, we would be pleassssed to have another one of usss on the allianccce," they hiss. #Blaze ASF and # CreeperCanadian, here I come.

Author's Note:

Hey you guys! CreeperSniper here. Thanks for the 200 reads on Baccas Aren't Monsters! Let's celebrate with this sequel! I'll write a THREEQUEL if we can get to THREE hundred!!


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