Chapter 4 - The Morning After

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Grace's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light that was flooding through the curtains.

I yawned and sat up. After looking around for a minute I realized I wasn't at home.

Then all my memories of last night came rushing back. Shawn and I sitting by the windows, him letting me borrow clothes to sleep in, him finding out I knew him and Cam, and me crying...

God how embarrassing, I cried in front of Shawn Mendes. I bet he told Cam and now they both think I'm pathetic. I wouldn't be surprised if they're gone this morning.

I made my way out into the kitchen to find Sydney laying on the couch watching TV, and a shirtless Cameron cooking eggs in the kitchen.

Cam turned around and smiled, "Good morning."

"Morning." I half smiled.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asked.

"Yeah, that sounds really good right now." I laughed.

"Okay," He chuckled, "Sydney?"

She didn't respond so I leaned over her. Of course, she was asleep.

"Cam, she's asleep." I smiled and walked over to the island.

He chuckled again, "Does she normally sleep this much?"

I nodded, "Mhmm. That's Sydney for you."

He put some scrambled eggs on a plate and slid them over to me, "Oh I forgot, Shawn wanted me to tell you guys he's sorry he couldn't stay this morning. He had to go to some interview."

My back stiffened at the mention of Shawn, "Did he tell you?"

Cam nodded, "Shawn freaked out but I didn't think it was that big of a deal. You guys needed a place to stay and we were your only option. It just so happens you guys are fans of ours."

"Does it bother you?" I prodded.

He hesitated for a moment, "Not necessarily. But to put it in perspective, look at it like we do. Imagine having thousands of strangers that are obsessed with you and know every little thing about you try to get to you no matter what. You meet two nice people hoping they don't know who you are, then when they're in your hotel room, you find out they are fans of yours and you don't know if they're obsessive and creepy or not."

I broke away from his stare, "Well when you put it that way you make us sound like psychopaths. Sydney and I aren't like that. Yes, we are fans of you guys but we aren't obsessive."

Cam smiled softly, "That's good." He laughed and turned back to the stove.

While he finished cooking, I observed his toned back muscles and the way they created profound lines and grooves on his body.

This is really something a lot of fans would die for, shirtless Cameron Dallas making them breakfast.


Cam sat across from me at the island and began eating his breakfast, "So you and Sydney have two options. I can drive you home when Shawn gets back with the car, or I could see if a taxi will come out here."

Keeping my head down I responded, "What ever you guys want. We don't want to weird you out anymore than we already have."

"No, we don't mind bringing you guys back. We thou- think you guys are genuinely nice people. We have no problem at all driving you home."

I looked up at him cautiously, expecting a stern look on his face. To my surprise he was looking at me with concern.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned.

"Like what?" He responded.

"Like I'm a hurt puppy or something. I'm not upset you guys don't want fans in your hotel room or in your car." I lied.

"No I just-," He sighed, "I don't want you guys to feel obligated to keep as much distance from us as possible. We love our fans, you know that. It's just different when they're in our personal life, especially to Shawn. I think you're extremely nice and funny Grace, believe me I do, and I have no problem with you and Sydney being here. But Shawn is different than I am. He panics when fans invade his privacy. Not that you guys are invading our privacy at all but thats just how Shawn perceives it."

"You guys talk about us like we're obsessive fans." I mumbled.

"That's all we've ever known." He responded as he took my empty plate.

I finally looked up at him, "Then let us change your mind."

What the fuck did I just say.

Cam exhaled a laugh, "What?"

I took a deep breath, knowing he'd laugh at me, "Let me and Sydney show you that we aren't crazed fans. Let us show you we are just as normal as you two."

For a split second, he looked like he was going to laugh but he didn't. Instead he sat back and eyed me carefully, "Okay."

"Okay then." I smirked, "That means, you're driving us home doesn't it?"

Cam walked past me, "Shawn will be back around 12. Then we can go-," he tapped my shoulder with a fist, "Pal."


It was 11:30 and Sydney and I had just finished getting ready to go home.

The two of us had showered and changed back into our clothes from last night. Ew.

Just as I stepped out of the larger than normal bathroom, Shawn walked through the front door.

I put my head down and avoided eye contact with him, "Hey Grace."

I glanced up to see Shawn half smiling.

"Hi Shawn." I returned his half smile.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Cameron asked.

Shawn looked confused, "Go where?"

Sydney yawned from the couch, "Where are we going?"

"You didn't tell him?" my eyes got wide.

"I forgot" Cam chuckled.

Shawn's eyes flickered from Cam to me and back, "Tell me what?"

Cam put his phone in his pocked, "Well Grace and I had a long discussion this morning."

Shawn's face was twisted with confusion, "And..?"

"We both think that this whole... situation was blown out of proportion. So Grace and I decided that she and Sydney should get the chance to prove they're not obsessed fans."

I looked at Cam and slightly nodded, thanking him for backing me up.

Shawn stood, his brows furrowed, "Are you saying we'd like, hangout and stuff?"

Cam and I nodded.

"Look, I'm sure you and Sydney are nice people a-and..." Shawn's voice trailed off as he was clearly thinking. "Okay."

"Okay?" I asked.

"Okay, let's try it." Shawn huffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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