Chapter 1

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Grown to young adults, Luke and Esmé Pane lived with their mother and father (Jeremiah and Fiona Pane) in a small village called Arkenshire. The village was built on the edge of the Belluman Highlands; a very green and beautiful place by the ocean. The planet is called Zjordia (Zyor-dee-ah); it has five moons, vast oceans, extreme deserts, many forests, jungles and great, great majestic mountains; each area is inhabited by powerful, fragile, small, large, magnificent beasts; some are things of nightmares, and others, you would think have escaped a mystical fantasy world.

Since Luke was a small boy, it was his dream to travel to different parts of the world; for example, Tanimil–the city of fairies where all magic originates. Esmé constantly studied about it and taught him everything she learned; everything about their culture and how they used magic. He promised to take her there one day, and they could return home with many stories about all the things they saw. They would bring back a few souvenirs too. What a wonderful, fantastically exciting idea!

Esmé often felt like she had a strong connection with magic whenever she imagined the possibility of ever using it. The feeling grew even stronger once she became a young woman. Sometimes, her emotions would be heightened because of this. Never though, did she have the ability to conjure anything. Maybe it was all in her head the entire time. Maybe she imagined it all. Maybe...

It was also Luke's dream to go to witch and warlock cities filled with alchemists and telekinetics. He learned a bit about Serpent covens in dead-lands too; they were a newer race and had extremely lethal venom. Humans wouldn't dare cross their paths. Luke read that no one knew where they came from, but that didn't seem right. Someone had to know. Finding out who... was on his list of things to discover later on in life.

Their father talked about his own travels–not around the world–but close to that. Sometimes when Luke was able, he would speak with the elders around the village; they seemed to tell more fictional stories rather than the truth–and they would usually nod off afterward, but it was always exciting to hear what they had to say.

All these things he and Esmé learned taught them how to question everything, be aware of the many different possibilities in the world, and never back down. She wanted to be a sorceress and he wanted to be an adventurer and a hero.

He even spoke with the great old and wise tree spirit 'Mother Gianna' at times for history lessons and advice when he ran out of study books. Oddly, she was only kindest to him, his sister and her son, Joby; she was very obscure to everyone else. What made her seem more secretive and mysterious was her heavy cloak made purely out of vegetation—how it concealed everything about her; she never left her throne that was set within a hole of an old oak tree either. Maybe she was connected to it. The tree was in the far end of the village.

Rumor had it Joby's father was a different sort of spirit being. No one knew who, or what he was. People often thought his father was a death spirit; death spirits had horns and tails too. It was all hearsay. Gianna never spoke of him. Maybe one day it will finally be revealed, but for now... just for now... the only thing that really mattered to Luke, was that he was his best friend.

Another thing no one knew about Joby was his age; he'd always say he was 10 years old–and that was as far as that went. Also, this would be hard to believe for the average person; even though he was the nicest creature one could ever meet, he did have a tendency for being sneaky and was quite a talented prankster as well. All these undiscovered pieces of information. Whenever there is a question, there will always be an answer.

Luke Pane and his Anomaly Sister [ Fantasy ] (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz