It's Johnny

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When Rosslyen returned to Baxter Building, she found the same crowd at the door. As she walked towards the elevators, the girl she had spoken to decided it would be fun to bump into her. As she did, Ross’ food fell to the floor, the boxes contents being strewn onto the floor.

“Watch where you’re going.”

“I was. That was intentional sweetheart. Maybe you should watch what you say to people.”

Ross glared at the girl, letting her face become a mask of indifference. She’d dealt with girls like her, girls who could never take the truth. “You know, I really didn’t want that pizza anyways. It’s fattening and stuff,” she muttered as she reached the elevators. As she waited, she heard a few gasps and screams. Rosslyen rolled her eyes and stared at the elevator doors. When it finally arrived, she walked in and quickly pressed the close door button. As it slid close, a hand stopped it. The man walked in, smirked at her and then started waving to the people outside.

“So, are you going to jump my bones now?”

“Well, I’m guessing you’re the cause of all that commotion.”

“You guessed right. I’m Johnny, Johnny Storm. You are?”

“Not interested,” I said as I stepped out of the elevator at the thirty-third floor. To her disdain, so did he.

“So, why are you getting off at this floor? Don’t tell me Reed’s cheating on my sister.”

“I doubt Dr. Richards even knows the definition of cheating, at least when it comes to relationships.” I smiled. “Wait, Susan’s your sister?”

“Yep, do you know her?”

“Yes. I didn’t know she had a brother.” We both walked towards the lab, where we found Dr. Richards going through his research.

“Reed, when were you going to tell me about this fiery beauty?”

“I wasn’t. She’s my assistant not another one of your conquests. Besides, she isn’t like those other girls.”

           Ross smirked and walked over to him, asking him what he was working on. When he had told her, Rosslyen grew excited. He was working on the molecular structure and how it was affected by gamma radiation. It wasn’t something she had knowledge about but it interested her nonetheless. She quickly began to ask questions, soaking in all the information he was giving her. It fascinated her, almost as much as computer sciences. Johnny was fully forgotten, as was her pizza. She no longer cared about the girl downstairs or how annoying Johnny was. Ross was fully focused on learning all she could from Dr. Richards.

It was six that evening when she left Baxter Building. Rosslyen was exhausted and although she knew she could have asked her uncle to pick her up, she decided to take the train. When she arrived home, she found Henry in the living room flipping through papers.

“Hey Uncle Henry.”

“How was your first day kiddo?”

“Long. Did you know there are a ton of people around that building? News crews, girls, and all.”

“I was aware. That’s not going to affect you working there, will it?”

“No. I just found it weird that people were constantly there. Oh, did you order anything? I’m starving.”

“Didn’t you have a lunch break? I figured you go get pizza or something.”

“I did but some bitch “accidently” knocked my food out of my hands.”

“Why didn’t you tell Dr. Reed? I’m sure he would have given you something to eat.”

“Uncle Henry, he barely eats himself. I was fine then but I’m hungry now, okay?”

“Fine. There’s some leftovers in the fridge and Molly came over with some fruit salad.”

“Oh, Molly. When are you going to tell her that you’re crazy about her? She’s obviously into you.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about kiddo. She and I are just friends.”

“If that’s what you kids are calling it these days,” Ross said as she went to the kitchen and made herself a bowl of fruit.  She plopped herself down next to her uncle, grabbing the remote and flicking through the channels.

“Hey, I was watching that.”

“And now you aren’t. I honestly don’t know why you watch that stupid show anyways. I mean, who the hell watches reality television nowadays?”

“I do now turn it back. It helps me get my work done.”

“Forget about your work. I want to hang out with my favorite uncle.”

“I’m your only uncle. Look, I was really getting some work done Rosslyen. Please change it back.”

Ross sighed and did as he asked. Finishing up her fruit, she tossed the remote to Henry and put her bowl in the sink. Kissing her uncle good-night, she went to her room. After taking a shower, she put her hair in a messy ponytail and got into bed. Just as she were about to fall asleep, there was a knock on her patio door. Rosslyen groaned but got up and opened the French doors.

“What the hell are you doing here Johnny?”

“Aren’t you going to ask how?”

“No because I honestly don’t care. What do you want?”

“You don’t remember me, do you?” he asked her.

“I just met you.”

“No, we went to high school together. We were in the same history class, with Mr. Brase. I was with Heather.”

“Wait, you weren’t the one who slept with everyone, were you?”

“I didn’t sleep with everyone.”

“So it is you. Well, what do you want from me?”

“I just wanted to talk to you. We kind of got off on the wrong foot.”

Rosslyen yawned before turning away from him. “Well can we talk another time? I’m exhausted and to be honest, I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

“I haven’t done anything to you though.”

“That isn’t the point. I just want to be alone. Besides, what does it matter?”

“It doesn’t. I’m just being friendly.”

“I don’t want a friend. I have my uncle.”

“That must be terribly fun.”

“Get this through your thick skull. I don’t want to talk, not now, not ever. I am not one of those stupid girls that worship the fucking ground you walk. I could honestly care less. I work with Dr. Richards and outside of Henry, that is the only relationship I want. Now leave.”

Johnny looked at her sadly before her turned and climbed onto the railing. Before Rosslyen could say anything he allowed himself to fall off. Ross ran over to the railing, wondering if he had hit the ground. Instead, she was met with the Human Torch. She watched him as he watched her. With a smile and a wink he sped off into the night. Rosslyen sighed and walked back to her bed. Getting under the comforter, she turned off her lamp, and fell into a dreamless sleep. 

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