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"Hey cutie!!" Mackenzie the leader of the hottsters said.

"Ya?" Harry said while coming towards her.

"So um is she your girlfriend now?" Mackenzie came closer.

"What? Her? No way!"

"We'll don't think of her being yours!"

Mackenzie came so close to Harry that there noses where touching.

Mackenzie gave Harry a wink and left.

"Ugh what's her problem?!?!?" Harry said to himself.

3 weeks past and nothing important happened...just plain old school...brake ups......bullying.....just the normal........then the song-a-thon happened.

The song-a-thon is just the best thing that could ever happen to you!!! MAX POPULARITY!!!! LOSTS OF BUCKS!!!!! JUST PLAIN IN THE GOOD LIFE!!!!!!!! And "One Thing" won it last year! (That's why they're the most populist boys in the school!!!!)

"Hey the Big Bang is back!!!" Harry told the boys as they where walking to Starbucks.

(Everyone called the song-a-thon the Big Bang because it really was a Big Bang in people's life's!)

"Really?!?! Dudes we have to win!!!" Liam said

"Oh ya!" They all got exited and totally forgot about going to get coffee so they all went to nails basement (which was were they always practiced).

The next day Harry went to sign the boys up for the Big Bang. As harry was signing the paper he took a little look at the other solos or groups that where against them in the contest.

"Stupids...weirdos.....losers....." As Harry was reading he saw a name that caught his eye.....Magenta.

"So she's in this too? Um...oh and she's a solo! Huh never going to win!" Harry thought to himself and left.

"All participants of the song-a-thon please meet in the gym after school!" The announcements said.

After school the boys went to the gym and met all of there components...all losers obviously because all of the good people where to scared to lose to the boys. Then He spot her. She was wearing a white poka dotted shirt with short short and pink lipstick. The magenta that he'd seen in her hair on the first day was gone and now he saw how beautiful and silky her hair was.

But he still had a weird feeling for her.......

Then She waved at him but he turned away.

"Hey dude you know the new girl? She's kind of hot!" Lious said.

"" Harry said not trying to sound suspicious.

"Are you ok Harry?" Zain said.

"Ya...can you guys just pay attention!!! These losers are obviously going to lose and so we are the only good group in here so next years popularity is all ours!!!!!" Harry said with his convincing


"Student lets make this quick and snappy!!! The song thing is on may.20 at 2 o'clock so don't be late! That's all I have to say so get out!!!" The most grumpiest teacher at caddy secondary said.

"Ugh why is she so crappy all the time!!!!" Niall said.

And as he said that everyone went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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