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Hello there! I'm back with yet another chapter! Anyhow, I would really appreciate you guys commenting/voting, so please do so. Please do note that this chapter is set in about a mere week after the Jaegers took Mikasa in. Now, without further ado, enjoy!

"You need to take the medicine, Eren. You wont get better if you dont!" Shouted Carla Jaeger, a beautiful, tall woman in her mid-thirties.

Eren's been sick the whole day, and Carla has been trying to get her stubborn son to take his medicine. Which he had completely refused to take. Her patience was running low, "Eren for god's sake. Just take the medicine!"

"Goddammit mom, just leave me alone! I don't want to take the stupid med-" he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and smiled when he heard the girl's voice.

"I'm home, mama, Eren." Called the petite, raven haired girl.

Footsteps were heard, then, the girl's small head peeped through the door of the room. She smiled, "I got the wood."

"Oh, good work, Mikasa. God knows you're more useful than Eren. He wont even take his medicine!" Complained Carla, giving her son a pointed look.

Mikasa giggled at Eren's red face. He glared at her, the moment he did so, her smile left, and she said, "let me deal with him, mama. I put the wood near the front door."

"Oh thank you dear," she smiled fondly at Mikasa, then turned to Eren. "Behave yourself." With that, she left the room.

"So annoying," Eren muttered, glaring at the door through which his mom just left.

Mikasa's eyebrows scrunched, "don't talk about your mother like that!" Her eyes suddenly held pain in them, and she looked at the ground, muttering something incoherent.

Eren looked at her pained face, all his anger gone. "Mikasa, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-"

She interrupted him whilst sniffling, "it's okay, Eren. It's just- well, having a mother is a treasure itself. You should treasure her... Not- don't take her for granted." She then looked up at him, and Eren felt his heart racing rapidly. She looked beautiful, her dark eyes shining. His stomach did flips, he groaned. Mikasa looked at him worriedly, "you should take your medicine, Eren. It's for the best. I mean, don't you want to go with me to get more wood tomorrow? We can play after that, and maybe even meet up with Armin!"

Eren thought about it for a moment, "nope."

Mikasa narrowed her eyes. "Okay then. I'll just go with Armin. The two of us will surely have fun together." Eren's eyes shone with an undetected emotion. He opened his mouth and said,

"Forget it! You aren't going anywhere by yourself. Especially with Armin. He's my friend! Not yours!" Mikasa laughed humorlessly.

"Well, Armin told me he was my friend as well!"

"Well I don't care! You cant give me that damn medicine-" as Eren was ranting, Mikasa took the chance to shove a spoonful of medicine in his mouth. Eren's eyes opened wide as he was forced to swallow. "Mikasa! What the fuck!"

Mikasa laughed, "hahahaha, it worked!" Eren looked angry, but after a moment, he burst out laughing as well.

"Why you cheeky shit!" He laughed, green eyes twinkling. However, the moment was interrupted by Eren's yawn.

"C'mon, get some sleep." Mikasa smiled at him sweetly. "You need to rest in order to get better."

"Mmm, Mikasa?" Eren yawned, plopping down on the bed.

"Yes, Eren?" She asked. Eren extended his hand, and pulled her small body towards him.

"I wanna cuddle," he murmured into her soft hair. "Your hair smells nice." He said, as a flushed Mikasa laid next to him, her head on his chest.

Mikasa blushed harder. "T-thanks," she looked up at him and saw that he was looking down at her, grinning. She smiled. "Good night, Eren."

"G'night, Mika,"

And with that, the two kids fell into oblivion.
"Hurry up, Eren! Armin must've been waiting for us for a long time." Called Mikasa.

"Who cares, we're only, like, thirty minutes late." Muttered the young boy, hoping Mikasa wont hear him. She did.

"Ugh, Eren. Thirty minutes is a long time. If you were in Armin's place you would've gotten mad at us."


Mikasa turned to him, smiling. "It's fine," she reached down and held onto his hand, "now, c'mon." Eren smiled at their intwined hands.

With that, the pair ran off to their blond friend.

They finally reach the spot in which they usually meet Armin at, flowers blooming, and grass as green as ever. The air smells of spring and the weather is beautiful and refreshing. Eren had gotten better in the last couple of days and was finally allowed to leave the house.

They walked up to Armin, who was frowning at them, "why are you guys late? I've been waiting here for ages!"

"Shut up Armin, you ungrateful shit," Eren, being his bratty self, said.

Armin rolls his eyes, but doesn't bother talking back. Instead, he looks at Mikasa and smiles. "Hey, Mikasa."

She purses her lips, "hi," she then hugs him, "we're sorry for being late, had to pick up some wood before coming here." She said politely and pulled away. Ignoring Eren's glare.

"No problem." Armin smiles.

The triplets sit down on the grass and chat. After a while, Armin pulls out a book from his shoulder bag.

"I found this in my parent's library, it's so interesting. You guys have to check this out." He opened a page that had a beautiful drawing of blue and brown.

"Wow. What's that?" Asks Eren, his eyes sparkling.

"The Ocean." Armin replies, "when this is all over," he says, point to the walls and everything around them. "I wanna visit it. With you guys! The three of us can go there. I've heard many stories about the Ocean, it's so beautiful." He ranted.

Both Mikasa and Eren had their eyes opened widely. Silence took over, each one of them lost in their own thoughts. Eren was the first to break it.

"The ocean." He repeated. "Okay. We'll go there. Together." He smiled looking at his two friends. "We'll go there when this is all over. And make memories!"

Armin nodded enthusiastically. While Mikasa just stared ahead. At the sunset.

The Ocean, she thought wistfully.

"Okay," she whispered.

Eren smiled at her, and reached for her hand. "Okay." He replied.

And with that, the three friends sat there, staring at the beautiful stars.
Woot! I had fun writing this. Hope you enjoyed. :D
Please comment and vote. It means a lot to me.
Until then, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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