Oh brother...

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As someone who adds fuel to the fire, and who thinks you know everything, you really have a problem starting with your mouth.

You realize making up stories doesn't help the situation or acting like a mature adult who knows everything and doesn't listen to others is a lot worse.

You could fool yourself that you are mature. But think again the ones who are actually watching you thinks otherwise.

Piece of advice if ever, you'll actually take it, which i doubt. Don't live that way, you look ridiculous! You know acting like you know everything just proves how immature you are. Thinking ONLY about yourself and not putting yourself in other's shoes shows exactly how IMMATURE you are. And now look, your making up stories so that you could prove that you actually know everything that happened is just plain stupid! Ugh! What a brat!

Anyway, not that i'm blaming you, I know why you're like that. But are you giving THEM the satisfaction of you being ridiculously stupid in front of others? Well i'm not.

Read this, if ever your reading. Which i recall you don't read. You are an a immature brat.

Your not a mature adult, your a KID who thinks he knows everything and making up stories so that people would actually think your some GENIUS as you say, that has a clue of what happened.Newsflash! "YOU DON'T!"

There is so much i wanna say to your face, but you and THEM are VERY similar to each other that you pride are so much higher than the tower of babel. An egoistic person. Who calls THEM, that there is no food in the house, after telling me and i quote "I DON'T NEED ANYONE TO LIVE, OR FEED ME". A man of your words, eh! How very ironic. Ugh, I just hope your stories doesn't make the situation worse. Not that i'm saying the situation i'm in is NOT the worst. I mean i'd have to live with someone who actually blames OTHERS for what's happened and NOT care about anything else but herself calls US a burden that she feeds a pet who needs to be thrown away and a robot who have to do whatever she wishes for anywhere anytime and not appreciate and even expects RESPECT. BIG WORD! Someone who i think has mentality issues, and again wants RESPECT just because he's fifty but acts like five, counts his money, thinks he can buy you with money, recounts the money he spent on you, and again, COUNTS HIS MONEY. Oh, did i say he counts his money? And brag about it. Whew! good thing his daughter is normal. Just quiet. Like me. QUIET. But maybe, also observing and has much to say and to prove. And lastly, someone "great and almighty" who thinks his any different than them. Has got a big mouth, which by the way a result of Heredity. (Not going to mention any name) They have a lot in common. But they both deny it, they think they know everything, and has rights to say anything but doesn't even accept anything "badtalk" about them. Again lot of common. Want me to go on? This could go on forever. Well they have ambitions, at-least they're goal-oriented at-least that something i can compliment them on, right? Oooh, and did I mention they're egoistic? YEAH! Funny, they don't get along.

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