A Poem All In It's Own

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You are a Poem all in it's own. People sit and think and dream of things to write about. Some tell  

how love can make you feel. Some explain how beautiful and extraordinary a lady looks and how

life together will be. Others just put it all together or simply wonder in other directions of life...

To look into your gorgeous brown eyes. To have your soft voice flow through the ears and into

the mind. To have your smile stretch from dimple to dimple across your perfect face. The thought

of you will make the most thinkable and dreamable minds get fogged up tring to think of the right

words to put on paper in question and never have the ones to describe the beauty, the love and 

passion in your movements or the thoughts that run through your mind. No matter how many

words or how many different ways of putting them into poetry, only one can describe you the

best : Perfection...

As long as you walk the earth or in heaven with the Angels, that to them you are envied, You

are a poem all in it's own : Breathtaking...  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2011 ⏰

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