Had Enough

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Bore nails into my heart,
Mark my whole body with scars,
Drag me back to the start;
When I am this close to reaching the stars.

Just when I see the light,
Haul me back into the shadows,
Just when I begin to fight,
Come like a hurricane in my blossoming meadow.

Oh! You can snatch away my very soul,
Beguile me toward my downfall,
But take my word when I say,
You won't be changing my demeanour.

I may keep my mouth shut,
But inside my mind there's a vortex,
Of hurtful words unsaid,
And cynical feelings unexpressed.

I'm like a warehouse of things untouched,
With so much dust, downlow and uptop,
So much so that,
One more grain and it'll cough up.

So beware my friends out there,
There's only so much a person can take,
One more hoax or lure,
And I'll lose this calm facade I'd so long faked.

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