Chapter 1

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"Seriously?!" I groaned. "But mom, I want to go! He asked me out by the way!" I exclaimed. My mom rose from her seat and flipped her long brown hair. My hair is so different from her; my hair is blonde just like my dad. Her black eyes glared at me while my blue eyes stared at her.

"You can't go and that's final!" she said angrily and walked upstairs. I heard her slamming the door.

I groaned. Why do I have such a cruel mom? My mom totally hates me and my dad is probably not coming home.

I'm Grace Benett. I'm 17 and I have no siblings. Hooray for me! My mom works at a hair salon and my dad is a doctor who is often busy. My mom hates me and I hate her too. She likes to bully me and that is true. Well, not like the abusive way. She can sometimes be nice. I love my dad. He's more nicer than my mom.

There's this boy at my school, Jake Ryler. Brown hair and green eyes. He asked me out and I'm happy cause I've got a crush on him too.

But then there's mom who never let me live my life. I really want to go to this party! To be honest, I've never been into a party. Not even ONCE.

Still very angry, I ran to my room and slammed the door. I bursted into tears and curled myself on my bed. I cried until I fell asleep.


"Hey Grace," Jake's voice spoke behind me. I turned around and smile. I was putting my books in my locker. I was feeling tired because i couldn't sleep last night. But now that Jake is here, i don't feel tired anymore.

"Oh hey, Jake" I said. I wrapped my arms around him and his on my waist and I kissed him. His lips was so soft. After few seconds, we pulled away.

"Can you go?" he asked. I was staring at him because he looked so handsome today. His hair was messy but i liked it.

I shook my head and pouted, "I can't. My mom is so mean!" Memory of what happened yesterday made me mad for some reason. I wish my mom would try to understand me.

He pecked my cheek and hug me. "It's okay," he whispered. Shivers sent through my spine as his breath tickling my ear. He always make me shiver even by his touch and his voice. Damn! He is so hot. I love him so much.

I smiled and nodded. We said goodbye before going to our separate ways to class.


"Hey are you going to his concert?" a black hair girl whispered to his friend with blonde hair.

"Of course I am! Who wouldn't... All of my friends are going," the blondie said with her annoying tone. I hated her. The blondie name is Stella. And the black hair girl is Patricia. Stella is like the famous and the prettiest girl in school. What do boys find in her anyways.

"My dad owns the stadium. I get to meet him backstage," Stella said while flipping her hair. Her friends gasped and whispered around, saying how lucky she was.

I rolled my eyes. What a bitch she is. She likes to show off that she's rich and owns almost everything in this town. I don't care about her but it was getting annoying when she showed off everything. Pfft, i'm not jealous of course.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled as my best friend sat behind me on her usual table.

"Hey, Jessica" I greeted her. She placed her bag down and grinned. She tied her pink hair into a ponytail and took out a book. Her brown eyes sparkled. She looked happy today.

"Hello my beloved best friend named Grace Benett" She said. I chuckled. Jessica Bloom is my best friend. I just love her so much. She helped me a lot when i moved here and became the new kid. And we've been friends for 5 years now.


"Are you going?"

"Heck yeah i am"

"Im on the vip seats"

"Ohmygod lucky you!"

"Hey, are you going to his concert too?"

"Of course!"

"I'm going too!"

Jessica and i was walking down the hallway and all i could hear is the sound of them talking whether they are going or not. Im so confused.

"Hey Jess, what are they talking about? Something about a concert?" I asked Jessica. We reached our locker and i unlocked it.

"Well this weekend, a concert is being held at Stella's dad's stadium," Jessica said while putting her books in her locker.

"Ohh.." i said and put my books in my locker as well. "So... Who's concert is it?" I asked. Jessica looked at me, feeling annoyed.

Jessica groaned, "dude, have you been living under a rock?"

I shook my head. "No, im living under a roof" i said while smirking.

Jessica glared at me and sighed. "It's Greyson Chance's concert. Everyone knows about that," she said.

"Uh.. Who's that?" I asked again. I think its clear that i've been living under a rock. I think i've heard his name before.. i can't remember where and when.

"Oh god how can you not know who he is!" Jessica groaned while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Hey sorry that i don't follow today's news" i held my hands up in defeat. I don't watch tv at home. I like to lock myself up in my room instead of hanging out in the living room.

"But seriously though... You don't know who he is?" Jessica asked. I shook my head and she groaned. Do i even need to know who this guy is? He's probably just a boy doing his thing that made him famous. I don't really care.

"Well, search him at google tonight" she patted my shoulder and left to class. I pouted and crossed my arms. Why do i have to google about this guy? what a waste of my time. I shook my head and walked to my class.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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