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We broadcast today from MagmaTech, the world leader in technological advancements, to bring you their latest project, Mutation. Lead Producer Matt Brandon gave us a bit of insight into what exactly this means for everyone and how it works.

"The Human DNA is like a puzzle, in a way. It is hard to understand, and is even harder to control. But somehow, with a stroke of luck, we have worked out how to manipulate it. Although I can't reveal any specifics, it's definitely another giant leap for mankind."

This could possibly be one of mankind's greatest scientific achievements. With the ability to alter someones DNA you could possibly alter someones appearance or traits and maybe their abilities. The possibilities are endless.

In just one hour, MagmaTech will reveal their first test subject, Alex Matherson, who is only 25 years old. "So far all the mutations tested have worked, which leaves us with a 2.5% chance of failure," states Lead Producer Matt.

With such a little chance of failure, what could possibly go wrong?

This has been Debra Stewart from Channel 8 news, we'll see you in another hour for the great reveal!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2011 ⏰

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