14) Knock 'Em Dead

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            The make up artist, whose name I still do not know, brushed my cheeks with a rosy blush as the photographer adjusted his camera for the next few shots. The other models stood behind me, also getting their make up touched up. It was a tiring Thursday morning and they had made us show up to work at an ungodly hour. The make up artist quietly stepped out of the camera’s view and away from me. I stood up straighter, placing a hand on my hip, preparing myself for the next snapshots. As the photographer was about to press the button to take the picture, he was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open.

            The slam made me jump, and when I looked past the startled photographer, I saw Claudia standing there. Her fists were clenched at her sides and she was marching over to me, the security guards chasing right after her. “Excuse me! Miss! You cannot just walk in here!” One of the men hollered at her. She ignored him, angrily stomping past the photographer and straight up to me- so close that I could feel her angry breath against my skin. The heels I was wearing forced her to look up at me.

            “Sorry, Claudia, I don’t give out autographs,” I said, breezily, a sly smile on my face.

            “I know what you did,” She snarled through clenched teeth.

            “Oh, did you like your brownies?” I asked, mock-innocently. I could feel everyone in the room watching us, even the security guards were waiting to see what would happen. Who didn’t love a good cat fight? Except I don’t do kitty scratches. “I made them especially for you, Claudia.”

            “I know about your little ‘jealousy issues’” Claudia snapped back. My blood went cold as the cunning look on my face slipped away. Claudia’s fist unclenched and the heated look on her face also seemed to have disappear as she realized she may have a shot at winning. But she can’t- I always win. The security guards must have noticed my frozen expression because they carefully walked up to Claudia, one of them placing a strong grip on her shoulder.

            “Hey guys?” I said, flatly. “I’m going to take my friend here downstairs.” My voice cracked on the word friend. The security guard reluctantly removed his hand from Claudia’s shoulder and I gently tugged on her elbow out of the room. I could feel the eyes of the other models, the photographer and make up artists eyes on us as I silently took Claudia into the elevator with me.

            I automatically pressed the lobby floor button, not once looking at Claudia as I stood on the opposite side of the elevator. I needed to get her out of here. Didn’t she have work on a Thursday morning? Or was she fired yet again? My thoughts were interrupted by Claudia’s sudden movement. Without thinking, she reached over and flipped the red switch, making our lift go to a screeching stop between the second floor and the lobby.

            “What the hell?!” I hollered, reaching for the switch. She slapped my hand away. “Are you mental?”

            “I did some talking with Kate. I was asking her why she would want to hang out with you, and trust you when you treat her the way you do-”

            “You were trying to get her to side with you and ditch me,” I interrupted, scowling at her. Claudia glared back at me, unblinkingly.

            “She told me about what you did in high school. About how you almost got suspended,” She explained. I flinched, knowing the next words that would tumble out of her mouth. “I know how you got your spot on your cheerleading squad in high school.”

            “Because I was the best cheerleader on that squad,” I answered, taking a threatening step closer to Claudia. I wanted to be close enough that it was sure she heard the coldness of my voice, daring her to say more.

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