Chapter One

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Hey y'all! Writing another book! This

one is kinda fantasy, vampires and

werewolves type. I hope you like it!


Shit. I'm late for the first day after  

Winter Break. Good thing I took a shower last night! I slither out of bed and throw on my clothes. A gray tank top with a black cardigan over it, light jeans, and lace up boots. I wash my face, brush my teeth, whack on some mascara, and run a brush through my blonde hair. I jump into my truck, jam my keys into the ignition and drive, a little too fast, to school. 

I finally pull into the school. I park as close as I can and hightail it in. I make it to my advisement class with two seconds to spare.  

"Cutting it a little close, aren't we Tris?" 

I wheel around to see one of my best friends, Angel, grinning at me.  

"Shut up! I woke up late okay Ang?" I say faking exasperated annoyance. I looked her up and down. Her long blonde hair was left naturally wavy, her eyeliner made her teal eyes pop, she wore a purple v-neck and jeans. She looked hot. As usual. She noticed my look, and turned her head so she was looking at me creepy/sexually.  

"Like what you see?" she winked.  

"Oh yeah. I want a piece of that!" I winked back.

After we got our schedules, I compared mine to Angel's. We had Physics together. I realized that I have the exact same schedule as last semester. Well that's easy. The bell rings and we walk to class together.

As I'm about to walk through the door of the classroom, someone attempts to trip me. I look Marie straight in her brilliant blue eyes and immediately jump to hug her. She stumbles a bit because she wasn't prepared for my attack, but hugs me back.

"Hay gurl hayyy," I joke.

"What's up bitch?" she asks. 

"Just staring at some of my main hoes"

"Does my hair look okay?" she asks as she tries to look at it.

"It looks great, quit worrying!"

"Are we gonna stand here and talk, or can we go in the class room!" Angel intervenes.

We walk in and I see no one else I associate with. We find three seats next to each other and sit down. The teacher, Miss Jones, is a pretty, young teacher with brown hair and brown eyes. The pledge of allegiance comes on, then the moment of silence, and finally, the announcements. After the announcements, Miss Jones makes for the door. As she reaches it, a tall, attractive boy walks in.

"I'd tap that" Marie mutters just loud enough for Ang and me to hear. We giggle. The boy walks to his group of friends and sits down near them.

Class was the usual boring first day back. We get a syllabus, and then get to talk the rest of the class. Marie and I compare our schedules. We have Physics(obviously), Orchestra, lunch, and AP World Lit. Yay! First, fourth, fifth, and seventh period together! This semester is off to a good start. I walk to my second period, AP French. I walk in and I immediately see Noelie. Fuck. Freaking. Yeah. We run to hug each other. She brings me back to where she was sitting and I sit in the empty desk next to her. We look at eachother's schedules. French and lunch. Not much, but more than last semester! The teacher, Madame Accord, went through the motions. The bell rang and I walked to my next class, AP Calculus.

All I see is acquaintances. I see one friend. Kolton. One problem. I have a huge crush on him. He smiles at me and motions me to sit near him. I smile back and start walking over. But then I see her. They're both one them. (By them I mean vampires. Oh yeah, that's another problem). But she... Acts like them. He's more civilized. I find myself standing there staring at her with obvious loathing in my eyes. Kolton takes an awkward side glance at his sister, Katherine. I decide take the seat on the opposite side of him, purposefully cringing my nose as I pass by her. She rolls her light brown eyes and tosses her amber hair behind her shoulder. She really is beautiful. But only on the outside. She whispers to Kolton, purposefully just loud enough for me to hear.

"Why'd you let the DOG sit near us?" 

Kolton shakes his head in exasperation. The bell rings and class begins.

Class wasn't too bad. Katherine was pretty quiet, which is weird for her. Kolton and I small talked while the teacher stood at the front if the class going over the syllabus. The teacher glared at us, trying to silence us.

"Miss Tristyn and Mr. Kolton, please! No talking while I am talking. You have plenty of time to talk when I'm done."

We looked at each other and laughed. We were quiet until she was done. She gave us one last look before sitting in her desk. I rolled my green eyes laughing. We continued to talk until the bell rang for us to leave. AP Calc, lunch, and AP World Lit were the only classes we had together.

I met up with Marie on the way to Orchestra. Thankfully today we didn't have to play. We got to sit wherever and talk the whole class. Alyssa and Christine are also in Orchestra. After Orchestra Marie, Alyssa, Christine and I walked to lunch together. We met up with Amelia and Noelie on the way. We picked out our usual table, put our stuff down and went to the lines. When we returned, it was silent for about five minutes while we stuffed our faces. A fowl scent reached my nose. I turned to the source of it, only to see Katherine. I scrunched my face in disgust. She was with Kolton. Kolton smiled as he sat with his sister at a table with his friends. Katherine glared at me all the way until her butt touched her seat.

We all talked about our breaks, what we got for Christmas, and how our New Year went. It was pretty fun, but my hearing kept trailing off to Kolton. I started to feel a weird prickling in my head. My eyes widened and I instantly threw up my walls. Someone was trying to get into my head. I have a feeling on who that someone is. I test my theory by throwing my walls out, pushing her out of my head, and back into her own. I see Katherine flinch, hands automatically going to her temples. I smirk. She turns, almost embarrassed. I knew Katherine could go through people's minds and watch their memories and thoughts like a movie, but I never thought she would care to go through mine. Why would she want to know what I've seen and thought? I realized there was a confused look on my face, so I turned to my food and continued to small talk, keeping my mind block up. I pushed what had just happened to the back of my mind.

Sixth period went by fast and I was in seventh with Kolton and Marie. Of course. The twins are inseparable today. Katherine is here too. She snarls at me as I sit next to her brother. I just smile obnoxiously. She rolls her eyes and turns to the front of the class. Marie sits behind me and nudges me. I turn and she winks at me. She nods her head towards Kolton with a cheeky grin on her face, eyebrows raised. I just shake my head and roll my eyes.

Last period ends and I remember that lacrosse practices are starting up again. Marie has the same thought and we walk together to the locker rooms. We change quickly, pull up our hair, grab our stuff, and go to the field.

Lacrosse practice was fun today. We were focused on conditioning (probably because we were stuffing ourselves over the break). We did my favorite thing in the world. Stadiums. When the coaches said that, everyone groaned but me. I perked up. After that we did sprints, ladders, push-ups and things like that, and of course, ended in more sprints. It was great. I just hope next practice we actually get to touch our stick. After practice I went to the locker room. I grabbed my stuff and walked to my truck. I put my back pack in the passenger seat and drove home. I made my parents sign the syllabi immediately, then grabbed my stick and a ball to go to the wall at school. Before I get to my truck, I hear a howl. I sigh, put my stuff in my truck, run into the woods and morph.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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